
Can someone scientifically explain why bicyclists are the most obnoxious fitness community?

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They look stupid and they get in your way while driving

Because while driving, you resent having to slow down to 20mph for 10 seconds and change lanes so much you take it out on them

Because being in a vulnerable position on the road makes them defensive and aggressive, so they basically transform into packs of raging, wanabe Lance Armstrongs in lycra. Then, to cope with the negative reputation brought by their behaviour, they have to act superior in an attempt to balance out the reputation loss by presenting a front of exclusive desirability.

Also it's because their culture promotes spending $3000 on a bicycle which gives almost no advantage over a $100 bicycle, and they're furious that they wasted so much money trying to fit in instead of standing up for themselves.

Image sitting around all day only to go outside to exercise only to sit down while exercising. Biking is a form of mental illness.

If they want to use the road and act all high and mighty about it they should have to pay registration too.

> $3000 on a bicycle which gives almost no advantage over a $100 bicycle

Not too far off, but I would say it's more like 3000 vs 500. You need to spend at least 500

*bikes in traffic even though there's a sidewalk 3ft away*

Found the bicyclist

Ha I spent more than 3000.....but I have done thousands of miles on it with no issues.

Because that's what the car industry wants you to think

Not him, but there is a world of difference between the lowest end bike store brands (Trek, Giant, Specialized etc) with basic Shimano groupsets and the barely functional crap at Walmart that only kids and DUI felons ride.

Big car shilling on a fitness board.

stupid hand signals

Imagine a v*gan bicyclist

Did Scooby hit a nerve with his latest video?

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I don't drive, I do take the bus back from jogging but even I hate bikers. They slow down everyone and behave like assholes.

Because they all, without exception, fancy themselves TDF riders and woe to anyone who interrupts their larp.

>Because being in a vulnerable position on the road makes them defensive and aggressive
This makes no sense. My country has probably the best bike infrastructure in the world and they're still assholes. They'll still use the roads instead of the bikelane and they're still all angry little men. Had one scream at me a month or so ago while I was biking because I wasn't keeping far enough right for his liking. Of course you wouldn't just put a 2 euro bell on your 3000 euro bicycle. That'd ruin the aerodynamics!

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Exactly, the people that think there is no difference do not ride regularly. Of course with some brands you pay a premium for the name, my Pinarello costs thousands and I could have got a cheaper bike with the same groupset but the frame is amazing, the ride is completely different to a cheap 500 dollar bike, can't even compare it.

Roadies concocted a devil's blend of rampant consoomerism, spreadsheet-reading autism, and pro-athlete-larping elitism and then unleashed it on the world as a way of venting their midlife frustrations. They are cancer.

Commuters and dirt-riders are the real cyclists.

Cyclists are literally worse than hitler, drumpf and thanos combined.

Because they're all angry little men in their mid-life crisis. Once you hit 40 you either buy a motorcycle, a sports car, or a racing bike. On top of that, because they spent thousands they're under a constant pressure to prove to their wives it was not actually a waste of money.
>Look honey! I increased my average speed by 2km/h since I got that new frame! Can we please have sex now!?
This insecurity causes them to overcompensate hard.

If you commute by bicycle, the difference between a 100 and 500-700 bike is tangible.
Not much reason to go beyond that unless you're going off road, though.
Any bike over 1000 is just grandstanding.

Just kick it up a notch. Usually it's graying boomers without cardio. If you can get over 30kmh for 5-10 minutes, you mog 90% of them.

Don't you dare talking shit about scoober
You should be ashamed. He's one of Yas Forums's last national treasures whether you like it or not

If you're commuting in a city an old $100 bike will be just as good as a new $1000 bike. I have an old mtb and I constantly ride on the highest gear, including uphill, in the city, because it's at most a 5 minute ride until I have to stop for a traffic light.

scooby is a bitter jackass that cant accept MUH custommealplanner got btfo by superior MyFitnessPal

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>caring about tripfags

Yeah right. I've had two used bicycles in the past and my experience tells me never to buy used again. They're constant maintenance. I've wised up and bought a new 1000 dollar mountain bike and never looking back again.

I ride an 80s steel frame bike. Have around 5k miles on it.