Is Yas Forums able to get out of a situation like this?

Is Yas Forums able to get out of a situation like this?

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Yeah I'd get a boner and rub it on his leg

which gay porn film is this from

>be a drink cunt
>not asking the roodypoo about his workout routine


>pull out my CC

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Yes i have covid and hiv so i hope he makes me bleed, and i have my fluids infect him. i hope he hurts me so i can sue him

i play the long game in terms of ruining his life

Assuming he has no ground game and thinks I’m pinned? Yeah.

>if standing over me
Start getting him tied up
>if he’s sitting on my hips to pin me
Hump him up and push and then roll over him to reverse it, then pin him

But how realistic is that in a street fight lmao I draw and immediately state “I AM STANDING MY GROUND THIS IS MY GROUND YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE BEGONE VIOLENT FIGURE” and before he even has a second to respond or leave I shoot him lol

Thug Love 2: A West Side Story

imagine thinking you'll be able to pull a gun on someone who's stronger than you
good luck buddy, you obviously won't get disarmed

Both of his hands are presently around the neck, which one do you think is going to stop the bullets flying into his lungs?

They legitimately look like they're about to kiss

Honestly if i pulled out a small knife and stabbed him here would i go to prison? I live in nyc so i think yeah, but then again its better than being dead

Seems like a pretty sub-optimal way to choke someone when you're on top of them. Kind of depends on how much the attacker weighs I guess?

>live in MT
>tons of bullshit excuses to let you get away with shooting someone
God I love living in a state where everyone is LARPing as a cowboy

keep telling yourself that, champ

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based aryan square state

we're all brown-haired mutts here. im sorry user

Make a pipebomb and blow him up

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yes, I EDC job applications in case I find myself in this position

When people are panicked during an attack they don’t realize how sensitive a person’s eyeballs are, and if they’ve got their hands on you the only thing protecting them are paper thin eyelids.

When I was a bouncer a guy that was a foot taller and 50 lbs heavier than me got me in a headlock. I reached up behind me and rubbed his eyeballs with my thumbs and he let go and was clutching his face and crying like a bitch.

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God I wish that was me

I'd never get in that situation to begin with

kek all I have to do is grab the barrel and pull sideways and you can't shoot me anymore, better yet I can just overpower your thin wrists and take your gun away
guns are just cope
start lifting, twink

Both hands free? .22, right front pocket, I'm putting a few in his stomach. I'm visiting family in California and can't carry, guillotine choke from guard.

Didn't happen.
Actual well known professional bouncers openly state that going for the eyeballs doesn't work.

>kek all I have to do is grab the barrel and pu-

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Thanks for the double arm bar

>When I was a bouncer a guy that was a foot taller and 50 lbs heavier than me got me in a headlock. I reached up behind me and rubbed his eyeballs with my thumbs and he let go and was clutching his face and crying like a bitch.

Never happened. Also never do this, if they have any kind of training or grappling experience youre just escalating the situation when youre disadvantaged and going to get yourself seriously hurt.

>Blinding some one is disadvantaging yourself
>Actual well known professional bouncers openly state

Thank you Mr. Tough Guy that’s obviously never been in a fight. Please respond with the names of at least two of these well known professional bouncers.

Flex my neck muscles and break his weak ass cocoa butter soaked hand, never even train neck, just genetics, simple as

>letting yourself get in a situation like this in the first place
>not shooting the nigger on the spot thanks to stand-your-ground laws
lmao I live in europe and I know this

Kiss him

If they have an advantageous hold on you and can permanently damage you or kill you yeah it’s best not to escalate by going for the eyes

Only reasonable reply. I trained at Jap JJ for around 7 years and when Im sparring with the brazilians they are always trying to mock me for not ground fighting and I have to explain that in a real fight having your face anywhere near someones hands is asking to die. In OPs situation you are already at too much of a disadvantage from that position. You need to find a weak point. When you grab at his face do it with the intention that youre taking him with you. He's balancing on your neck so the best he can do is break the choke hold to get your arms and then you should toss him with your hips.
This assumes that you have beginners strength for a male. Force exponentiates at certain ranges so no matter how big someone is, if you have a basic strength level he cant just outright over power you.

why do all you faggots assume you'd be the bottom bitch in this scenario?
>Is Yas Forums able to get out of a situation like this?
what's to get out of? you got the skinny neck manlet right where you want him, squeeze harder

Disagree. You should always assume the person is trying to kill you until you are the one in control. Fight like you are going to die if you dont blind him. You could also just bash their nose.