Does playing videogames lowers or raises the testosterone levels?

Does playing videogames lowers or raises the testosterone levels?

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Neither, shut the fuck up

videogames is not a physical activity and being sedentary lowers T

Sick bait thread bro, well done.

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Pimozide cures the trans mental illness.

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It probably doesn't do anything inherently, but I guarantee sitting and looking at a screen fucks you up one way or another.

Speaking of, fix your fucking posture. Tightened core and relaxed shoulders.

the fuck is it with trannies and video games? is it an autism thing?

Yes. Autogynephilia is a common symptom of autism.

The fuck is it with gymcels and being judgmental and hateful towards trans people? Is it an autism thing?

you'll never pass faggot. go join the 43% and get it over with.