Does playing videogames lowers or raises the testosterone levels?

Does playing videogames lowers or raises the testosterone levels?

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Neither, shut the fuck up

videogames is not a physical activity and being sedentary lowers T

Sick bait thread bro, well done.

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Pimozide cures the trans mental illness.

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It probably doesn't do anything inherently, but I guarantee sitting and looking at a screen fucks you up one way or another.

Speaking of, fix your fucking posture. Tightened core and relaxed shoulders.

the fuck is it with trannies and video games? is it an autism thing?

Yes. Autogynephilia is a common symptom of autism.

The fuck is it with gymcels and being judgmental and hateful towards trans people? Is it an autism thing?

you'll never pass faggot. go join the 43% and get it over with.

neither, but people who already have low testosterone levels play video games

If only it was 100 hons to 1 passer

not Yas Forums

Bro fuck you why is this kinda cute?

I fucking hate trannies so much

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I'm not trans and I have a switch.
I got it purely to play monster hunter generations ultimate.
>he uses this as an excuse to not read
scholar athlete is god tier
face facts retard
>gym for say 3 hours
still 5 hours left in the day after work
>play some monster hunter for 1 hour
>go to sleep for 8 hours

SEE this shit is what I’m talking about with the black beauty posters. Black women that are actually attractive BTFO every other race, but they’re 1 in 1000, and still the men and women look very similar. Look at this tranny, he’s actually pretty. Imagine meeting a cute black girl (or any race girl) and you guy hit it off, you’re together for a few months and you’ve been fucking and shit, maybe you’ve eaten her(him) out and then IT drops the bomb “user I feel before we get any more serious I have to disclose this to you. I’m a biological man.” Fuck that, he’d be dead. Wouldn’t give a fuck if the law/court treated it as me hurting a woman, because it’s not, if put my hands on him on the spot say no homo and leave

Damn bro, it's impressive you have such hate for a group of people just existing. Maybe get some mental help :)

also post body incel lmfao

Wow dude... just wow. Go take your hatred somewhere else.

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No one on /fit. has ever met a tranny in their life yet they despise them. Sad really.

seething tranny. post body

tag yourself.

I'm the mimikyu with the badass spear.

I've seen trannies IRL and none of them pass. Men in drag and nothing more

>put my hands on him on the spot say no homo and leave
don't get me wrong trannies are mentally ill, but it's fucking retarded if you spend all day seething about it wanting them to die.
they affect you so bad, you shit your own pants
I give NO fucks, they can get beaten or kill themselves, or exists, literally not my concern.
busy being a sick cunt
Not telling anyone to change, because again I don't care.
that user can go shit on trannies all he wants, not my fucking problem.

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reminder that he has a massive dick


>>he uses this as an excuse to not read
>scholar athlete is god tier
>face facts retard
>>gym for say 3 hours
>still 5 hours left in the day after work
>>play some monster hunter for 1 hour
>>go to sleep for 8 hours

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>don't get me wrong trannies are mentally ill, but it's fucking retarded if you spend all day seething about it wanting them to die.
It's not just trannies I want dead but all pedo's i.e faggots.

what's your point?

that's because you don't realize the ones that pass... next time think before posting transphobic

>This is what trannies believe they look like

Yikes... you must be fun at parties.

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Love Trump's hate

they either never have a point or they hate gay people

I was going to edit it to post real trannies but it's too long to edit using google slides.

No trannies pass.

I think it has to do with wasted potential
>Could have been chad but became a girl(male)

This kinda hits close to home for me because I had a stage where I would dress up like a girl and shit (I was pretty young, like 16 so pretty passable). I ended up losing a lot of weight trying to go twink mode (was pretty fat in middle school) and actually ended up getting pretty good at running.
I was looking at myself in the mirror and saw that my shoulders looked pretty broad. I think losing the fat let me see my bone structure better and set me up in a pretty good place to start bulking. Thankfully I was having doubts about the whole becoming a girl(male) thing at that time so I took to working out pretty quick.

Its very possible that if I didnt go through that stage I would have stayed fat and never got fit,
so I'm kinda glad it turned out that way.
There was even a point where I was considering the hormone shit. Good thing I came to my senses and realised it was driven by sexual desires.

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im judgemental towards everyone

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