Is Pavel Legit??
Is Pavel Legit??
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I was watching an interview with Dr. Stuart McGill, a professor who does research on bio mechanics of the spine.
During the interview he said he measured the core strength of many types of athletes (including world class power athletes), and he said that Pavel measured the strongest core of all of them. So I would say he is legit.
But it all depends what your fitness goals are.
l have the naked warrior, probably gonna get a couple other books of his too
>Stuard McGill
Also, my boss knows Pavel from back in the day and vouches for him. When pavel did certifications, he would have people try to coach my boss on kettlebell moves. Someone would coach him on how to do a kettlebell snatch, and he would be up the bell and then just chuck it over his head as far away as possible to fuck with them.
Based on all the stories my boss tells me from when he was young, Bart Simpson was based off of hiim. My boss
Is this guy real?
Based, my dad worked for Nintendo and I was based off Mario
so your mother has a green pipe?
No I was fed mushrooms
living the life bro
100% snakeoil cultist leader tier fraud
Pavel is based and red pilled.
Progression is too slow. Just do the startbodyweight routine.
He probably oversells his supposed super secret Soviet commando experience, but his routines are legit.
I don't believe this. Is there any evidence of pavel doing advanced core moves?
Turkish get ups are enough
How does this make sense though? Is his core stronger than that of an Olympic gymnast who can do a Victorian or a Maltese? Is it stronger than a strongmans who can overhead press 500lbs? genuinely curious how you quantify core strength like that
Pavel is knowledgeable and his books are actually funny. 10/10 would rec
In the Joe Rogan interview he seemed both very knowledgeable and sketchy. For me, it's enough if his kettlebell routine works.
How is he sketchy? Is this American education? Because he is Russian?
Not him but,
He basically says no one how any of these biological processes really work in a satisfactory way. But then outlines his approach to sets and reps and why they trian athletes this way. He makes a lot of difficult to quantify statements I guess is what I'm getting at.
Who paid you to grab Dr Pavel?
i heard it is the kavadlo brothers.
who knows.
i think the guy advocates karate type breathing and core exercises that really brace the core hard.
he takes cues from this sort of stuff.
I think he was just trying to emphasise that his methods were found empircally for the most part rather than from biology theory. And he also seemed to be really careful to not shit on any other method.
Rogan really wanted him to shit on crossfit, but he spoke with fondness about crossfits gyms at least. I'm thinking about buying a pair of Kettlebells for my home workout. Pavel sells them like best all-around workout out for regular people out there. Anybody else tried it?
I have a 10 kg kettlebell. It ain't much but you can get a pretty intense workout with them in 10 minutes.
Forgot to add the workout.
Its a turkish get up and at the top you do a one arm swing and switch sides. Then you do a clean, then you do a squat. After that you're at the top of the get up with the other arm. You then go back down like a normal TGU and repeat for 10 minutes
Thanks user. I'm fucking tired of doing a million different pushups and sit ups.
Shitty banter, do better
He's written like two editions of an entire book on it.
I don't know, he said nothing