Post your homegym COVID-19 routines?
Post your homegym COVID-19 routines?
cant wait for boogie to annihilate my asshole tonight
digits and the boog is kill
He can’t, he will be busy dying
dubs and boogie is dead by midnight pst
>go to home gym
>work out
>push day
weighted dips 5 sets
DB shoulder press 5 sets
overhead DB tricep extensions 3 sets
side raises 3 sets
>pull day
weighted pull ups 5 sets
DB rows 5 sets
EZ bar curls 3 sets
forearm curls 3 sets
squats with all the weight 3xF
ab wheel rollouts 3xF
>Day A
15lbs DB row 1x30
15lbs DB curls 3x15
70lbs plastic storage container rows 3x30
L-hang chin ups 2x12
Pike pushups 3x14
>Day B
Standard close grip pushups 1x20
15lbs DB tricep kickbacks 3x25
Decline diamond pushups 3x15
Dips 2x15
High incline single arm pushups 2x5
Miscellaneous core work
>Day C
3 mile bike ride with steep inclines
15 minutes of jumping rope
No complete days off, just go ABCABC forever. Also a lot of supersetting
Insanity for cardio, and all I have is kettlebells so doing onnit’s kettlebell routine
5x6-8 pullups ss 12 squats
4x8-12 dips ss 12 lunges
4x8-12 pushups ss abs
5k run after work
boys im losing it i need my gym i need to hear metal clanging
All I have is
>pair of 20 lb, 35 lb, 45 lb, and 75 lb dumbbells
>a single 50 lb dumbbell
>shitty dip stations
>doorway pullup bar
>resistance bands
>ab wheel
>stationary bench
Need help with a new COVID routine bros
dude you can literally get a sick physique with that equipment, get weighted pullups and weeighted dips to a high level and your upper body will be jacked
>Has access to up to 75lbs with dumbbells
>And a bench
>And resistance bands
You have literally everything you need to maintain
>chooses the 3 least important items
Found the DYEL
Dips and pullups are where it's at
die die boogie-chan die
My equipment is a DIY wooden power-cage, shitty barbell and 2x35lb plates. Dumbbells I got 1x15lb, 2x20lb and 1x55lb but I honestly hate dumbbells.
ABABAxx since I can't really push the weight.
>Day A
Barbell step-ups
Inverted rows
Lying tricep extension
Barbell curls
Neck curls
>Day B
Good Mornings
Meadow rows
Landmine Press
Isometric shrugs with the barbell on the floor, like the meadow row but you shrug it instead
I need a pull up bar, dip belt, concrete DIY plates and need to build a dip station. I'm tinkering but I can tell you that OHP 5 times a week feels fucking amazing for your delts and tris. No aching in that region at all unlike when I was benching a ton.
I lift rocks under a bridge, and have made a decent gym since the start of the quarantine. As such,
>Warmup: light bicep rock curls
>Dynamic stretches
>Bent over rock rows 3x10
>Overhead press with log 3x20
>Heavy bicep rock curls 3x10
>Front squats with a big fuggin log 3x8
>Shoulder press with rock 3x10
>Deadlifts with a big fuggin rock 3x10
>Boxing jab drill 8x30 seconds (I just punch a pillar with my gloves on)
>Shotput with rock, 5 throws
>hike this one steep trail in town every day
Get a nylon belt to wrap around the rocks and you can basically lift anything
forgot my pic:
Upper A
>dumbbell floor press 3-4 sets to failure
>dumbbell rows 3-4 sets to failure
>dumbbell side Lateral Raises 3-4 sets to failure
Upper B
>dumbbell shoulder press 3-4 sets to failure
>dumbbell Shrugs 3-4 sets to failure
>dumbbell Curls 3-4 sets to failure
Not training legs, but doing pretty intense cardio, which I wasn’t doing before the gym shut down.
Dubs and boogie chokes on his pills and gets sent to the hospital but survives
I'd like to get some new 8x45lb bumper plates for my home gym. Any recommendations where from?
>75lb dumbbells
>And you're complaining like this is some fucking waste
You don't deserve them. Fuck what I wouldn't do to lift that much weight again.
dubs and boogie grants me big gains this month
>dubs, followed by dubs, followed by TRIPS
Yeah I'm thinking you're in for a good month user
aggressive inline for legs
Based troll
Full house boiiiiiiii
Dan John's of the opinion that the five main types of human movement that should be trained are the Squat, Push, Pull, Hinge and Loaded Carry. You csn cover all of those in a dozen different ways, dude.
OHP 5x5
Weighted Pull up 5x5
Rack dumbell squat 5x5
Romanian DL 3x5
Suitcase carries AMRAP.
I haven't worked out since the outbreak. I haven't done anything. I'm not goin to make it.