The Bench Press™


70kg - 5 reps

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110kg x 3


95kg x 3

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192x5 not my max its just all the weight i have at home.

80kg for 5
not as high as I would've liked to be given how long I have been benching...

Don't worry mate, we are both on our road to 2pl8s. We'll get there as long as we don't stop walking.

235lbs x 5

315 lbs for a 1RM

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two 40 lb dumbbells
they're all l have and l've never been to a gym

145 lbs x 8

Brehs...when will someone help him?


Eventually we'll get there. Although before everything closed I was stalling for a bit... probably means I have to start eating more, but I still have a decent amount of flab I want to lose...


Been lifting for a year and 8 months -ish, started very weak and untrained.
I expected so much more, been working hard and rarely skip workouts (like, only after injury or really important social occasions).
Feels so bad :(

I just hit 90Kg x5 reps before the rona took it all from me. Hoping pushups can help me maintain till my gym opens back up.

craigslist in ur freind, build a home gym instead of paying for a membership. Its alot more costly but worth it in the end.

41 kg x 8

l will eventually, just waiting for the great weight kikening to die down.

70 kg, 6 reps. Hurt my shoulder with too much volume last year so taking it easy from now on

165lb 6x5 today

I usually aim to set weight between 3x5 and 5x5

1pl8 x 10

Don't bench all that much but I could probably get 300. Strict OHP is close to 2plate though

355x6 incline bench pre exhausted with pec dec
Shoulder width grip 4-2-4 rep pace none of that wide grip bouncing cope shit

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if you barely bench, ohp isn't a good measure for your bench 1rm

Like 100lbs for 25-30 reps. I'm 160lbs

Yes it is. It uses almost all the same muscles as bench. Upper chest, Triceps, Anterior delts. I hardly ever bench but last time I did I hit 275 for 5 very easily.

i dont agree. you knew that youre around 300 based of off your 275x5 not your under 2pl8 ohp

105kg for 7.

I highly fucking doubt I can do that not having been to the gym in six weeks

Why haven't you done 192x6 if its not your max?

225 lb x 5 last night

steady progress is very possible if you get enough frequency and tricep work in

If you don't start at high weight those numbers are fine dude it's all relative to body size don't listen to this board