>is more masculine and feminine than you at the same time
Is more masculine and feminine than you at the same time
discount sommer ray
lol this girl shills herself so hard on here
An inspiration for us autists
I like this autistic girl.
if she does it's honestly smart as fuck
That’s a man
her tits must look pretty bad zonder bra
would still cuddle ferociously
She has a wonky eye but she reminds me of Aella the huntress from Skyrim, so obviously WOULD
Yeah that actually would be genius. The male equivalent would be posting yourself/a screenshot off your Instagram but ripping on yourself or making obviously shitty bait threads
only because everyone here is an idiot
That fake bitch?
You can tell the daddy/attention issues just from this short clip.
Probably is unironically addicted to social media
okay lets check her out
>face... too round and flawed and dirty, thats the face of some porn actress during deepthroat
maybe tits?
>tits... they are shit and look used
>hips and butt is disproportionally big and weird looking
>is more masculine and feminine than you at the same time
this is not even a compliment to it.
3. She is smaller without photoshop
>daddy issues
>red flag
This pic accentuates her stretch marks, now my cawk is hard.
shoulders too broad/10
>I ain’t about that photoshop life
Didn’t realize anyone actually used gimp.
>angles poses makeup specific clothing and wearing it in certain ways like wedgied up into your ass
yeah but at least I don't have the neenage acne she has without makeup
well in reality I do but still fucking lol at this "woman"
her tits looks so tasty
Bro this girl is so fucking hot. No sex before marriage tho
That’s you isn’t it
>>is more masculine
Speak for yourself
>ywn have retard mexican muscle mommy
why even live
Good thing we are married to our fitness and self improvement journey.
Would fuck either way.