I've foreseen the future of my gains, and it is based.
I've foreseen the future of my gains, and it is based
can you tell me about my gain future sir ?
Everytime I get a pump brah
>The ambitions and idealism of your past will bring success from your newest ideas. You are in the process of developing a new hobby or occupation.
>There is someone who can help you through all your problems, and their insight may surprise you. This person is yourself. By understanding yourself, you can better understand others.
>Assess the direction you are headed. Beware following the opinions of other's, as this may lead you away from your own truth. Seeing the world through pragmatic eyes will balance your optimism.
Trust nobody, but be confident in yourself. Your gains are your own and no one else's.
Can you tell me my career outlook? Like will I find a good job over the next few months
Dude this is Yas Forums not Yas Forums or /lgbt/
The only prognostication going down here is for gains.
thanks sir
Jesus. My ex turned into one of those carbon copy witch tarot thots. I’d say cringe but this seems based. Do me next and I better not get something gay like “fool”
Sebastian, 22, male
please tarot bro tell me something
I just bought a home gym, tell me my future.
Your ex, you say?
>It's time to heal yourself and prepare for your next great love. Take your time and enjoy the reflection.
>A loving friend will give you helpful advice. This ally may be a woman, but no matter their identity, show gratitude and return the favor.
>The Ace of Pentacles in Tarot stands for material force, prosperity, practicality, and trust. It signifies possibility where abundance and security are concerned. It is the time to forgo dreams, fantasies, and daring, and it is time for being practical.
Wrong person I assume, either way suck my fat cock you’re not OP
Nvm saw the file name. STILL, you thought that was me and it wasnt
Thanks, I do need to get practical and more serious. Gotta study. Gotta get my life started
>teleports to you the start of the floor
Based RWS user. The patrician tarot deck
Not supposed to be upside down.
>You have moved into a new phase of life. All things change with time, and your path through this world is no different.
> the Queen of wands signifies that you are planning to accomplish a significant amount of achievement in just a small amount of time.
>The difficult situations that lay ahead of you must be overcome immediately, so do not delay or hesitate. Bring about the best possible ending by acting honestly and with honourable intentions.
>The King of Pentacles tarot is the card of power and discipline, of control and stability, of wealth and riches. It symbolizes strength, security, virility, and seductiveness. It also represents truth, patience, care, and perseverance.
>The World symbolizes completion, perfection, and recognition, in addition to honors, the end result, success, fulfillment, triumph, and eternal life. It indicates a happy end to a project.
>The Hanged Man suggests some sort of metamorphosis through breaking patterns, letting go, or going through a period of transition.
AHHHHHHHH why can't I get it to do right? Sorry guys, you're all FUCKED.
But I guess it makes sense from the perspective of you sitting opposite of me. Maybe y'all be ok?
Wanna give me a re do?
>Sal 25 male
>The Page of Swords card means there's an opportunity for growth, albeit disguised as a dilemma or problem. It shows pretenses of mental clarity and inner demons being settled and ridden from your life.
>The Star is a very positive omen. It is symbolic of hope, renewal, and beauty. Consider balance and restraint when finding solutions to your current problems. The right amount of help and encouragement will bring harmony and happiness to your circles.
>the Six of Wands assures us that our efforts are about to be rewarded. This is an indicator that a victory is coming.
Thanks Tarot bro
Tarot is kinda cool but not as legit as Hermeticism/Astrology
Based. Do these threads more often.
Astrology definitely is not legit and if you believe it you’re unironically a normie/NPC.
Literal 14 year old girl shit and women who can’t grow up.
Don’t be the virgin astrology be the chad tarot
ey tarot bro, im sebastian, i dont really know if im stupid or you fucked up, but this was actually true
>You have moved into a new phase of life. All things change with time, and your path through this world is no different.
> the Queen of wands signifies that you are planning to accomplish a significant amount of achievement in just a small amount of time.
>The difficult situations that lay ahead of you must be overcome immediately, so do not delay or hesitate. Bring about the best possible ending by acting honestly and with honourable intentions.
but still dont know if that was meant for me, either way, tank you bro, keep strong and have a good sleep
Do me, do me!
Tarot isn't so much what the cards are actually predicting your future, but using them as a guide to put past and present events and yourself in perspective. It makes you look at particular aspects of your life, analyze how they may be helping or hurting you, and how it can benefit your future. The imagery of the card itself, whether you know the "meaning" of it or not can help you contemplate about your situation.
was a reply to (Sebastian)
>The struggles you have already experienced have granted you some stability in the present. By evaluating the reactions of others, your progress has been made smoother but this tactic will not lead to sustainable ease. Do not allow others to upset you. Instead, be calm even when unpleasant words are spoken.
>The object of your present focus is due for expansion and elaboration. The Three of Pentacles stands for teamwork, planning, and competence. Your peers may be a useful tool to help you complete your goals.
>the Sun might point at a situation where you know you’re right, and you want to change things, but the environment doesn’t support you (yet). In such situations, you might be looking for kindness in the wrong people. There are those out there who can help you change your circumstances, and they’d be happy to do so, it’s just that you haven’t found them yet.
Me next TarotAnon! What gains await me?