How important is a girl's face?

I have finally achieved my ideal body, but my face is pretty ugly. How important is the attractiveness of a girl's face, really? Are butterfaces really that bad?

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yes a good face is the most important thing. also post naked body so we can tell you if you could compansate

Depends on how bad the butterface, but face is unironically the most important feature in a girl, other than personality. You can be tall, short, a bit chubby or anorexic, but your face is what I intend to look at and if it looks like shit well I'm sorry but having a 10/10 bod isn't going to change that

You tell me

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An average face on a hot body I could live with. An actually ugly face would be difficult, but women basically weave black magic with the daily use of makeup anyway,so what the hell does "ugly" even mean any more

I'd still bang her desu

I suppose I'm not ugly. I've been told I'm a 7/10 but that's not good enough for me. My face is pretty crooked.

>How important is the attractiveness of a girl's face, really? Are butterfaces really that bad?
It depends on the context.
A random hookup? That’s what slampigs and dick suck girls are for.

An actual relationship? Maybe, it depends on the guy. Most wont go for that but you can always find some beta faggot who will. Or you can get lucky and find an alpha who knows the key to a happy life is an ugly wife. Let’s just hope you can cook suck dick.

Obligatory, kys tranny you’ll never be a woman OR considered human.

Fuck right on off if you're complaining about being a 7 you have never actually experienced true hardship in life. Go live in the middle east or something for a year and then come back and talk about how difficult it is being a "7"

Literally the only thing that trumps height. Face is huge.


yeah but with a bag over her head.

Post body & face.

Either you are:
>not a 7 and closer to a 3
>have a bunch of red flags
>they do ask you out but you blow them all off because your standards are too high
In any case, you're cruising through life on easy mode. Why don't you do some good and start flirting with a guy you like and ask him out yourself. Surprise him

Unfortunately an attractive face is much more important for girls to have than for men to have. If you’re a guy and you’re ugly, at least you can hope for masculine features to pull off a “rugged” look. If you’re a woman and you’re ugly, it’s guaranteed that you don’t look feminine. Good luck femanon. That being said if that was really you saying you have a 7/10 face you’re fine, a lot of women seem able to date up these days.

I'm probably ugly or unlikable. The only guy to ask me out this year was a brony with extreme hygiene issues and his friend had to help him talk to me.

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>15 posts in
>still no pictures
come on OP quit being a cunt

post pictures and we'll tell you what's up. what are we supposed to do without them

I'm going to go with unlikable. But no one on 4Chinz is likable. We won't be able to help you if you don't post sharpie in pooper.

No you are all scary men

It's a larp thread obviously, a real woman wouldn't be able to resist posting pics


personally face (specially eyes) are the most important part of a girl
if you have an average face and a hot body its fine really youll probably be able to get any guy you want

i'm a trans btw don't know if that matters

everyone has different look threeshold. im a 8/10 man who had been with 9/10 (10/10 doesnt exist in MY SCALE as perfection is subjective) but i can go down to 6/10, literally just because i still find them pretty and like to make them feel that way,

If a cringelord who knows nothing of hygiene was the only person to ask you out, you definitely need to fix something. Start by posting a picture of your face so we can tell you it's your looks or personality

More important than a man's face, but butterfaces can still get laid. Just be aware that the kind of guys that will bang you and the type that will cuff you will not be equivalent.

Attached: butterface.jpg (720x967, 125.25K)

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Eh I don't want my face on the internet. If I had a more private way to show some of you I would. Body pics are off limits though I'm not a harlot.

lmfao, of fucking course it matters. Most guys prefer vaginas, and the ones that don't prefer men. You're neither. Welcome to a life of loneliness. Just don't cut your dick off desu.

Just blur your eyes or something. How do you expect us to help you if you don't show the problem.

the face is where all it matters

sadly it matters

good body may sell you couple nights with the dudes, but normal dude wouldnt like to see uglyface on the pillow every morning for the rest of his life.

you have to have at least 6.5/10 face to make good body work.

Blur your eyes dummy

Unironically this, face means more when it comes to girls, but you can still find success even if you're average or just below average (4.0+)

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