Adjustable dumbbells?

Alright, which ones are better, Powerblock, Bowflex, or Ironmaster?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x256, 23.29K)

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I like the look of the Ironmasters the most, also it's not nearly as crazy long as the Bowflex.
But on the other hand, the Ironmaster can get tiresome to switch weight every time after time. Whereas Bowflex is just a turn of a dial.

Powerblocks, I just sold off mine for a healthy profit.

Attached: 964_Untitled-design.jpg (1920x1080, 67.84K)

I am leaning toward the Bowflex 1090.

Already had the Powerblocks, they sorta gay. And the Ironmasters gonna get old adjusting weights at each time.

Attached: bowflex dumbbels.jpg (662x580, 42.55K)

These are gay, expensive, and fragile. Just get the ones that are like mini barbells.

Or maybe just get the "cheapest" Powerblock, the Sport series. It doesn't look as gay as the U90s

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-27 PowerBlock Sport Dumbbells Dumbbells For Home.png (1471x800, 583.14K)

These are all gay. Well okay, the Ironmasters are based but expensive.

Just get this style.

Attached: ED44091A-CC5E-463A-BCAE-39ED4485D5D6.jpg (2048x2048, 589.63K)

My bowlfex 52.5s are still kicking after a decade. Gotta go easy on them of course compared to simpler/one-piece dumbbells

those are for scrubs, i can afford the ironmasters
but i want quick weight switching dumbbells

Ok enjoy your dumbbells locking up lmao

Never used any of the others but I really like my powerblocks, they are great if you have limited space.

for me? whatever is cheaper.

powerblock are the fastest to change weight, bowflex requires you turn dials on both ends to attach/detach. powerblock also lets you buy even more outer shells to go heavier. My buddy had 80lb powerblock.

They're both good, you wouldn't go wrong with either. no experience with ironmaster.

>Square ones look cooler which means that they also weight more also my dick is bigger than yours

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When those ones on the right first started showing up in stores, my brother picked on up and it dropped on his foot and broke it. Prolly didn't check if it was properly connected but maybe he did. So there's a chance you'll drop plates on yourself.

No, it's just that those Ironmasters look more durable, less moving parts and mechanisms, classic design. However, they are slow to adjust weights so I don't want them. It's between the Bowflex and the Powerblocks, the non color-coded ones.


Why waste money, you just need something heavy that you can pick up and put down. If you dislike the screw binding mechanism you can jury rig a clip for the ends instead.

They are cheap garbage and slow to adjust weights.

I think I'm just gonna cop another Powerblocks, only this time no gay color codes.

If you buy anything more than pic related you are a sucker. Enjoy your goyflex

Attached: dumbbell.jpg (768x1024, 129.98K)

What's their length in 90 lbs and how much will it cost at 90 lbs

I can use it as a dildo

well all weights are 3x-ish right now so good luck finding those.

Ironmasters are based but expensive.

Attached: Dumbbell_Compairosn_4.png (561x800, 706.62K)

I've heard good things about ironmaster but have no experience with them
bowflex/dial adjustable dumbells are absolute shit. I got a free set that was practically brand new. Dial broke within a few months and I wasn't doing anything retarded with them. I researched it online and this is a common problem. They also only go up to 52.5lbs which is a joke
Have powerblock EXP's now and the stage kits to go up to 90 (95 really, theres weights that go into the handles as well). Build quality is great, would 100% shill powerblocks. Factory is closed right now though so good luck.

olympic dumbbells

OP here, finna just cop these

>clip slides off and weights fall on your face
Enjoy the hospital bill

I have two handles, both are 20" long, they can fit up to 115 lbs. Total cost plus the plates was $130 for both years ago

I have the Bowflex 1090, they're great but quite bulky and the grip is fking PAINFUL, you gotta wear gloves if you do anything heavy (shrugs, bench), it's really oddly like designed to hurt you

I swing the entire DB like a kettlebell and they don't even move. That's why you use good collars on barbells.

I've been using the bowflex ones for years, I'm pretty happy with them.

I think bowflex machines are garbage shit geared towards curlbros... so don't buy bowflex.

I have ironmasters, they are awesome you won't regret getting them. I'm not to sure about availability right now due to the lockdowns, everyone is buying home fitness equipment right now.