Coronachan has made me realize the only thing keeping the depression at bay was lifting

Coronachan has made me realize the only thing keeping the depression at bay was lifting.....

That and the fact I used lifting progress as a bandaid over my lack of life progress....

Anyone else had fitness revelations thanks to corona?

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Yeah I realized that my life stopped being good 10 years ago and I've just been coasting through it and lying to myself that it will get better at some point

Pretty much me, I'm 26 rn, I feel like I died at 21 after a traumatic event. The last 5 years have been a blur or nothingness.

Imagine not having a home gym. What the fuck are you even doing?

Being poor and living in a one bed apartment I share with another person...

Sounds like you have bigger problems than not being able to lift m8.

Yep. 28 going on 29, gonna go back to college to study music... not sure why, probably won't get me a job or anything, but the idea of working mindlessly in accounting for just a biggee bank account had driven me to suicidal thoughts. At least with music I can be creative and maybe enjoy a couple of years

>lack of life progress
but life progress is bboorriinnggggg

wageslaving is bboorriinnggggg

I'm telling y'all, it's become an MMA god in my 30s or /rope/

>Going back to study something shit, take on more debt and go backward.

Or you could go and get an in demand trade, earn a good wage and study music as a hobby.

>Dude just become a tradie and wageslave for 50 years lmao
>Dude just study STEM and wageslave for 50 years lmao
Why bother

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I'm an accountant, I have a good job, I won't need any debt

I already have music as a hobby, that's not the point you fucking sperg, I want to escape from this life and really go balls deep into something I have passion for before its too late

Exactly. Given the choice between work and death, I choose death. Might as well take a shot at something fulfilling that pays, and if you fail just kys like you "succeeded" at wagecucking

Be careful brah, I left a good paying job to follow my dream and now I'm in debt with no hopes living with my parents during quarantine.

I've been lucky with various things like crypto and stock investments, so debt it not a concern for this venture.

Its funny, when I was poor I thought money would be the answer but now I have it I have nothing much to spend it on.

Same, user. Lifting kept the depression away. And helped me forget about how little I have accomplished compared to my friends. My mood is at an all-time low. I genuinely feel like dying. Maybe that's why I want gyms to reopen so badly, I'd rather risk death and be able to go back to the one thing I could find even a smidgeon of success in...

It's not like I'm old though, I'm 22 in school and working, but everyone I know is so far ahead they've left me behind

that's life bro

>didn't realize how much lifting was keeping at bay by doing it
>didn't realize that it was the one happy place I had and could be alone and focused, keeping the world and the stress with it outside the gym until I've left the building after a good workout
>almost immediately I have no energy, sleeping 11+ hours a day, anger issues are slowly becoming stronger with no outlet
>working more which means dealing with more retarded people and nothing to take it out on
>college work is basically impossible now, I could barely focus in an academic environment and now I'm expected to belt out 4 classes worth of work in a month
>live with people I hate, can't even feel comfortable in my own living space
>I can't escape
>Everything is coming down on me and I can't do anything about it because all of my problems are things I'm stuck with and can't fix on my own
I'm going to snap soon.

stop being a pussy

Truly marvel advice user, you must be the confidant of all your friends

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yeah I’ve realized my life has just been on a downhill decline since second grade and it keeps getting worse

>go back to college to study music
bro just study music. make music. thats something you can just do

Let's hear it bro

take it out on bill gates user

You should earn to save, not to spend. Save so you can do exactly what you're about to do, finally enjoy the monetary cushion and devote your time to your passion

>person with no money
>just save ur money lol

Just do calisthenics you fucking sissy faggot. The progression feels just as good and you can still make a big difference in your physique. Or try running. Give yourself a new challenge. This is an opportunity.

I had an eating disorder that I "fixed" by lifting and running so much I'd puke. It was weird. I felt like I was actually doing something good for myself. I felt like I was getting places.

>fixed his eating disorder by developing another eating disorder

That's what I'm saying, man.

bro, just do X, its easy bro

I actually want to study in depth, I already can 'make music'... there is more to it than that, just like any subject, its the environment of being around people who have similar goals and ideas, and similar interests

I uste to have an eating disorder I think when I was younger but I outgrew it or something idk what happened
I uste to not eat anything all day, and when I did (usually ate some really small meal) I would run on a treadmill until I burnt 1000+ cals or vomit
I went vegetarian too by the middle of it?
Looked at my medical records I had a BMI of 16 but always thought I was fat
I either outgrew it or developed muscle dysphoria can’t tell

Yeah I fucking hate those anorexic bitches who try to give themselves eating disorders. Cause they don't feel like they're in your control really. You just feel like you're improving.

***Muscle dysmorphia

Yeah, it never really occurred to me that I had an eating disorder or that my dieting was unnecessary, I just thought I was fat and doing the healthy thing
Surreal to think about this, shit makes me feel disconnected