Are eggs good for you ?

Are eggs good for you ?

Attached: bowl of eggs.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

only if you eat 6 a day


Do you really care?
Honestly i would eat eggs the same amount whether or not they were completely empty calories or if they were the healthiest superfood in the world. I like eggs, simple as.


No. Egg-poisoning can be fatal. Many barge-sized brothers lost this way

Yes, but only if they're cooked with butter and heavily seasoned

Wtf is the webm

Ive been here so fucking long that I remember the original thread where this meme began. Its true you really are here forever

>Ive been here so fucking long that I remember the original thread where this meme began. Its true you really are here forever
feels bad man

Attached: donkey kicks.webm (640x360, 1013.46K)

I wanna know to.

You cant leave until you finish all the eggs

newfags detected

Attached: 1572634404426s.jpg (124x104, 1.55K)

and i thought i was a newfag

aren't the eggs raw and whole in that greentext?

>not ss.webm

Yep, been on this board for only 6 months or so. Explain.

I assumed it was a bowl of hardboiled eggs, sounds like the type of meal an autist would serve

Most based food after meat

Mostly the yolks, and mostly raw.

Egg whites you wanna cook low and slow in sum buttah.

do you think other girls will realise she's only moving like 10lbs and that this isn't good/ a sign of strength?

Those eggs are overcooked, slightly runny scrambled eggs are the best. Please turn down the heat in the future, thanks.

Attached: 1587664688234.jpg (447x324, 33.47K)

they are the natural source of protein
they are also delicious
there is no actual reason not to eat them.

lurk more faggot

begone newfag

Attached: 1586477121097.jpg (326x426, 58.41K)

Yeah just eat them man. They're healthy and shiet. Only vegan fags don't eat those healthy nutritious chicken wombs.

Runny scrambled eggs are actual trash. Over easy with a firm white and runny yolk is the true patricians choice.

I'm not gonna spoonfeed you faggot, lurk moar

no, and make sure to masturbate to protect yourself from COVID-19


I fucking hate eggs but eat them for the protein and calories
I douse the shit in hot sauce and salsa so I can’t taste the eggs

Just stick to 4 dozen eggs to be safe

>a fucking plate