Pinned 300 mg Test E 2 days ago

>Pinned 300 mg Test E 2 days ago.
>Already feel different.
>Woke up early
>Went for a run
>Cleaned up my house.

Is this placebo? Am I not supposed to feel anything yet?

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I have no knowledge on this subject but I would imagine injecting something into your bloodstream would have way quicker results so, very likely its working

>Being this dumb

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No it is not placebo you dumb ass now lets fuck.

You literally won't feel anything at all on testo apart from strength and endurance gains unless you're severely deficient, and even then it will take at least 4 weeks until you start feeling it. But if placebo works so well for you you should just do that instead of roiding.

Get some fucking Proviron and take 25 mugs everyday for heightened sex drive and to prevent high e2 which crash your sex drive

Do not use an anti estrogen because it will crash your estrogen

300 mg is a very high dose

>Testosterone has no mental effects.

That doesn't sound right to me. But I mean if all this extra energy and motivation was self generated that would be cool with me too.

You have likely absorbed a small bit of it and may have some psychological effects.

300mg is way too much for your first ever dose. Test e is traditionally in a concentration of 250mg/ml. Your first week, you should pin 1/2ml, then 3/4ml. Pin every 3.5 days. I usually would do Wednesday at 8pm and then Sunday at 8am. After that first week, pin 1ml. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t go above 500mg/wk on my first cycle... bad news. You don’t know how your body is going to react yet. Some people have awful sides.

Bitch ass nigga.

why are you on roids if you don't know what the fuck to expect

It is because he is a bitch ass nigga.

Because that's my style I just do shit and learn along the way. I don't have time to ruminate on decisions like a beta. That's why I walked away with 900k after tax in crypto in 2017 because I threw in 20k life savings the second I saw the bubble starting.

well you better learn quick before your balls give out

I learn quick. Last year I spent a significant amount of money starting a restaurant without really knowing what I was doing and it was still quite profitable within the first year. I closed it because of coronavirus for now but i decided to get shredded in the mean time. I put a squat rack in the basement of the restaurant.

It's not a placebo.

this is literally wrong, and anybody that has done even a 500mg test e cycle will tell you you're wrong. There are very noticeable mental effects

You have likely absorbed a small bit of it and may have some psychological effects.

Why would I only absorb a small bit of it? I got 300 mg Test E and just put 1 mg in my ass. I think my ass absorbed all of it.

> Test e is traditionally in a concentration of 250mg/ml. Your first week, you should pin 1/2ml, then 3/4ml. Pin every 3.5 days

Nah. Sounds overly cautious to me.

>I wouldn’t go above 500mg/wk on my first cycle... bad news. You don’t know how your body is going to react yet. Some people have awful sides.

I think I'm gonna just do 300 mg every 5 days. Sounds good to me. That works out to around 420 mg a week. I'll take arimadex if I start seeing sides.

redpill me on proviron compared to aromasin

How soon did you notice the mental effects though?

For me it feels like the way this song sounds (minus the nigger lyrics)

Just a relentless WHIRRRRRRRRRRRR of energy from the moment I wake up I feel like a machine.

never cycled myself but a friend of mine has done a couple cycles and he told me that he felt like the absolute man x100 24/7 when on test

Test will make you feel more..... adequate? You don't feel high, you don't feel unstoppable, it isn't a spiritual journey. You just feel better, but not like gold sonic better. You know how you feel in ocarina of time when you get the big goron sword? That's 500mg test.
But it also makes you juicy and huge. And that is what truly makes you feel better.
Masteron stacked on top of test gives you an even better sense of wellbeing imo

I sorta feel unstoppable but mentally I've always been the type to respond profoundly to any dose of any drugs.

this is your future op

Attached: 1587423713243.webm (316x480, 1.89M)

its a placebo you raging faggot

Still not archived.

Looking it forward to it.

If it's placebo then it won't fucking stop. Now I can't sleep that well because I don't feel tired. I slept like two hours and woke up. Just the constant WHIRRRRRR energy in my head. it won't stop

Where did you get your test from?


Idk maybe it was laced with meth or something. But then I would have crashed by now. I think that's just how my brain responds to Test. I will add I've been on semen retention as a lifestyle (although failing every so often, but not usually two days in a row) for years. So I might have upregulated brain androgen receptors.

>I am a genetic beast.

Dream on LOL

Sounding pretty insecure there