How're you holding up big guy(s)?
Anyone know a good exercise to best utilise all this sad rage I often get when pondering?
How're you holding up big guy(s)?
Anyone know a good exercise to best utilise all this sad rage I often get when pondering?
Haha, it's so funny when people post /fitfeels/, It's obvious to the more veterans of us that ou are a newfag. Summer must be here, haHA
It's almost as if you don't understand the Chan, we were not only forged by iron, but by sadness.
All of us notorious Fitizens have achieved a status of enlightenment of such prestigeau, all through the readings of great nihilists and pessimists.
think of us as Nietzschean bodybuilders, or as Kierkegaardarian strongmen
Feels do not affect us, becuz we are also stoinc and cultivate mind and body
That's why when my mother tried to commit suicide I gave her a punch to the stomach. Get it? The stomach I mean
She was very hungry
And so am I for success, and you should be too
delett feels thread, start muscle thread
You feel me=?
Good luck with everything
>Haven't gotten laid in a long time
>Get rock hard whenever an attractive girl talks to me (in person, Facebook, whatever)
>Struggle to maintain an erection while masturbating, I assume because of sadness and anxiety
>Sometimes I literally just lose interest and stop
This is awful bros.
I can't go to my real life friends for this because it's out of character for me to do so. I met this chick who I've gotten along with really well, and she says she wants to keep talking with me. I'm starting to like her, but she's already interested in another guy. And as far as I know, I'm the only guy she talks to since her friend group is all girls.
Am I just cucking myself lads? Should I dip? I don't know what to do. Pls help
a man of culture and experience
The gyms are still closed. Work is killing me. I'm going to lose my mind and my gains. If this shit is so bad I just wish I could catch it and die already
My mum's basically on her deathbed and I'm only 27. She's been suffering from bowel cancer for a few years now, but only took a turn for the worse last week. Really hard to see, she doesn't respond to anything, barely eating, can't really move. Spending most nights helping her do things like go to the toilet and shower. She'll never get to see meet her grandkids, never see me get into the police force. It's not fun to think about. I guess on the bright side I found an actual big tiddy goth gf who I'm falling for pretty hard. She's probably the most perfect girl I've ever met. Don't know how the hell I snagged her.
>been living at home for the last three years to save money to buy a house
>have 35k saved up, dad is super stoked for me to be a homeowner
>lose job to Coronavirus, boss says company will probably go out of business
I guess I'm lucky to have savings but I was on track to buy this fall.
Lost my mom to cancer a few years ago when I was 21. Same story more or less. Hit me like a fucking truck, wasn't really back to normal for months.
Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family user. Do you have funeral arrangements made? Is there anyone to help you with them?
how come nobody really wants to talk to me
it really annoys me, i usually try talking to people but in the end its always me starting a convo so i end up stop doing it cuz i dont want to seem desperate or anyting
literally nobody messages me personally outside of chat groups
Saw her with another guy today. It's almost been a year. Why does it hurt so much?
Been a year since I heard from her, 17 months since we ended. God I miss her so much. I dream of her nonstop wishing i could hold her. Smelling her perfume. Gyms need to reopen soon so i an atleast try to lift these feels away :((
Not on my watch, friend
I feel empty and I dont know why. I think its from the fact that life is passing by and my youth is fleeing.
>Just turned 22.
But feel so old and wish i was 19 again
>Graduating college next year. Good GPA / letter of rec / shadowing etc.
Feel that I didnt take up on the opportunities i should have. The pressure of following the rat race is getting to me. Have to go to grad school which is more time and money
>Live downtown with girlfriend. Shes great, solid 10, turns heads always literally perfect relationship.
Feel ungrateful because I feel that i should be banging sloots an livng it up more. Body count is 7 and i dont think id be ok with staying at 7
I dont know whats going on, I started feeling slightly depressed and lost these last few months. Atleast i have the gym
was a really bad bf to my ex before we broke up a few months ago
i dont know what got into me, i just couldnt put in the effort to treat her correctly. wouldnt compliment her or even bother to make conversation most of the time. the only time i would be nice to her was when i would see her in real life (we lived an hour away from eachother) and i was probably only nice to her becuase i was horny.
i regret every ounce of misery that relationship has caused both her and i
the worst part is she is probably one of the best looking girls ill ever be with, she was a good girlfriend but i never saw a future with her
I’m dead inside and can’t imagine the next 60 years will be any better.
Went and bought booze this Friday for me and my roomie to drink, only for him to ditch me 5 minutes after we began drinking in favor of playing CS. I'm still mad, and haven't talked to him since.
I'm also slowly losing my mind to working night shift during this virus bullshit.
I’m not doing good.
i know that feel brah.
back in uni, my roommate and i would always plan on getting high in our dorm and just chillin
i would share my weed with him, then after smoking he'd say he's gonna go play drinking games with his friends
i spent so many nights alone in my dorm watching videos by myself
I'm 25 and I really need to just say fuck it and get a career. I might teach myself web development, I don't enjoy computers though :/. Whole reason I didn't go to college was because I couldn't justify spending the money on a degree unless it was one I had a passion in and that paid well. Only really interested in psychology and ecology. Also medicine but I don't have good beside manner, not a people person.
grow food
I'm not gonna make it.
You lied.
Somehow got a girlfriend over the last few weeks.
Took her virginity, having on and off trouble maintaining an erection thanks to tren.
Also gyms being closed fucking sucks, but my cuts going well
Not the user you replied to, but do you mean like being a straight up farmer?
same, I feel like a background character in everyone’s lives :(
I miss the gym. I miss pole dancing. I miss boxing.
Also, the more I get laid, the less I consider women worth anything and the more I despise them yet I just love sex so I can't see myself being a heartbreaker going from pussy to pussy even though I know it's a downward spiral.
>I miss pole dancing
Are you a stripper
>meet girl
>She's fucking great
>Great personality, interests align, fun to talk to all the time
>She's chubby
What was it all for, Yas Forums? I was so close...
Train her up like a pokemon.
Semi-professionnally yeah. As in, I have an actual job and do this on the side depending on demands
fucking nigger. if you feel the need to "add to your bodycount" then leave the girl immediately. insecure faggot.
I workout everyday and try to eat as much as I can, but no matter what I'm still such a skinny small guy with skinny arms and a narrow frame. I feel hopeless. I feel like I'm wasting so much time and energy focusing on my appearance. I don't understand how so many guys seem just effortlessly big. Guys who aren't the most Yas Forums and don't workout everyday, but naturally have broad shoulders and thick arms and legs. They're everywhere and I don't understand how they do it. I'm tired of feeling so small and inferior.
Haha no. Why don't you die mad about it?