Keto/Carnivore General

Welcome to the Keto/Carnivore general

Post your eating routines. Tell stories about the devil called carbs. Ignore dumb vegans and "balanced diet" spergs.

Tell us your results and how you feel.

Pic semi-related:I just eat something like this without the bread and salad

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Eat your god damn vegetables faggot

Is eating under 100g of carbs per day while training keto?

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are there any proper studies done on people that do explosive and high intensity sutff like olympic weightlifting? Last year I did it for 2 months and was fine, workouts(standard strength work) didn't go worse but they did not get better but to be fair I was stalled on my weight so there's that.
Now I compete on olympic weightlifting and I miss eating that way but I'm afraid of gimping my performance

If Cro Cop actually said that it's probably why he had a stroke

lots of anecdote, not many studies. Problem is most "keto sux" anecdotes are by smoothbrains who didn't get enough sodium, fats, protein etc.

Plenty of people train low carb and carb up just for the events they compete, as a kind of super carb load

Keto isn't bad for body recomp and other stuff but for performance your body needs to run on glucose.

You can try seeing if keto works for your Oly lifting but remember to carb up before competition

I've read stuff on elite athletes but A. they're on drugs and B. didn't seem that well done

Kinda bad now since it takes some time to adapt and my performance will most likely suffer but it's not like this year there seems to be anything happening

>mfw a carnitard says it’s bad to eat something because it’s not natural

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that's a paleo argument, not a carnivore argument

This is my meal tonight
>Pork roast with low carb bbq sauce
>Microwaved crispy shredded cheese with same bbq sauce
>Glucomannan pudding with cherry pomegranate drink mix for the flavor.
Total less than seven carbs.
I've lost 35 pounds this quarantine. I went from a 36 inch waist to a 32 inch.
I'll probably keep it up until i have visible abs. Then decide whether or not to leave humanity behind.

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Shut the fuck up kike. Carbs are OVER

user would you mind pointing out the Keto pro athletes and Olympians?

No. It’s not even low carb either. But for an American that’s on the low-end

These are actually insane. I have a breakfast burrito almost every day

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These fucking things are so legit

Anyone drinking bone broth? What's a good brand that's easy enough to make, doesn't taste like poo?

Why are you drinking bone broth? For the extra fat? I put two tablespoons of peanut oil in my protein shakes for that

supposedly good for collagen, joints, thyroid hormone, good cholesterol

>bone broth?
You mean broth?

I can't recommend any brand but I do know pretty much any home made chicken stock is always incredible

Carbs are for champions. If you look in the mirror and see a fat guy, you're not a champion. You don't get carbs.

you can easily eat 100g of carbs and be in keto

Thank you user. I've been trying to find a replacement for my mission tostada and taco shells

All i ate today was three pieces of thick cut bacon and 1/4 cup of cheese

>starting weight 240
>current weight 208
been doing keto with alternate day fasting eating 1800 calories and staying under 50g of carbs on my eating days. not only have I lost weight, but my skin is better and im not constantly hungary

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>he believes the net carbs jew

oh no no no

this guy probably eats big ass tortillas every day and thinks hes still doing keto

newsflash pal low carb aint keto, keto is keto