How exactly is tanning bad for your skin? Is it as bad as drinking or smoking?

How exactly is tanning bad for your skin? Is it as bad as drinking or smoking?

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what a stupid fucking question from a stupid fucking dumbass

fuck off with your bait bullshit thread

wear sunscreen get sun /thread kys op

U got baited bud


sunscreen is actually worse for you than not wearing it, it blocks UVB (the good stuff) and allows through UVA (the bad stuff).

People who wear sunscreen have higher skin cancer rates than people who don't

People who work indoors have higher skin cancer rates than people who work outdoors

You should get good sun exposure without burning as often as possible

I haven't done my research but I'd put my house on this being bullshit

it ages your skin, gives you wrinkles and sagging over time.
However, the effects are way overstated by Yas Forums. If you have good skincare and moisturize, and don't try to turn yourself brown, in a decade you'll still have better skin than the average guy who doesn't take care of his skin at all. Just don't overdo it, and use tretinoin and moisturizer.
Also it feels really fucking good, 10 minutes in a tanning booth in the winter feels like you're getting fucking electrically charged or something, and it's great for your test. I went to a booth for the first time a few months ago, and my libido skyrocketed for about a week and a half

you fucking jackass maybe if you led an active outdoor lifestyle you'd respect sunscreen
the sun makes your skin bronze and sexy at the cost of becoming leather as you age. The way to prevent this is sunscreen. (physical blockers)

Main talk is about vitamin D in general but there is a good section about sun exposure

>at the cost of becoming leather as you age
This comes from stripping essential oils out of your skin by taking hot showers every morning, then exposing yourself to UVB (especially through windows). Learn physics MOTHER FUCKER.

then why do all the former surferbro (california/florida/hawaiian) boomers look absolutely ancient by 40?

followup question, does all that skincare shit actually work? I'm asian and use a fuckload of korean skincare stuff. am I falling for a meme?

you dog cunt i get more sun in a week than you do in a year and have beautiful high T skin from taking cold showers and swimming in the ocean almost daily and i have never seen a window and refuse to learn physics

yeah this my future im going to look like a sexy leather jacket with moles

UVB is filtered by windows

right lads ive got a weird one for you
every time i look at this guy i think about a garlic chicken kiev. i think about a kiev so vividly its making me hungry. ive not even eaten a kiev in years. im not even hungry
please tell me someone else looks at the man and wants a kiev

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I would also like a chicken kiev now

Avoid tanning beds and all other artificial tans. Go outside, mow the lawn with your shirt off, sunbathe every now and then, and you'll be fine. Any level of tan that you can't obtain with typical outdoor exposure you weren't meant to have.

Not OP but I'm a slav and I usually look like those creepy transparent fish living in the abyss if I don't get some sunlight once in a while. Use a sunscreen or you'll end up like a British 40yo skank.

Frens, when are we having the chicken kiev?

When ultraviolet light hits your skin, it breaks things down on the molecular level. Normal and part of life, but this is given to you in a high dosage during tanning.

2 questions:
-What's a good, basic skin routine with tretinoin?
-How often do you go to a tanning booth?

I wanna look tanned and healthy as opposed to a sickly zombie during winter. But the memes about aging have made me kinda paranoid.


Unbelievably based

cleanser at night, layer of tretinoin on dry skin,

wake up, moisturize, hydrate, simplest routine desu

tanning booths should be minimally used only if u have to, look up some guidelines

I avoided the sun for 35 years, my skin is pale and I look 25 at most.
Old looking brown fucks BTFO. Brown skin used to be a sign of the peasant class.

it gives you cancer.
Every minute you spend in the sun permanently increases your chances to get a melanoma. Funny how you omitted the worst consequence.

Trump levels of irresponsible bullshit. Hopefully no one's retarded enough to believe you.

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Idk maybe constantly being soaked in water with a very high amount of salt in it has something to do with it.

i sit in front of my window every day behind PC screen, i always have the shutters closed, is that enough to not make my skin age? or do i need a drapery?

Used to be. Maybe you'd fit in 200 years ago, now you just look like a doughy faggot.
