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Already have a 7 inch with huge girth but I’m gay so it just makes anal hard. What can I take to make it smaller?

a knife to your dick

>1 study
>14 subjects
seems kinda iffy op

it's fine bro trust me


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>mfw a bunch of anons are going to kill themselves overdosing on D

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So no one has tried this since then?

>January 2009
11 years later too, nobody has replicated the results yet? LOL

you are going to kill yourself megadosing on vit d you dumbfuck

what would even count as a "megadose"?

women forever their backs BTFO by giant cock every man has an enormous penis now women stop dating men so men start dating men and sodomize each other with their 13inch VIT D3 fueled power ranger rods

Whatelse will boost my cock


>50,000 units of vitamin D 3
> Penis length increased an average of 0.46 inches and circumference increased an average of 0.523 inches, both statistically significant.

BRB, gonna take 200,000 IU of vitamin D a day for 2 inches.

Does overdoes increase cancer or illnesses

Did the people just lose weight or something? I take 10,000U a day and sunbathe, plus I get a fair amount from my diet. 6.5" haven't noticed it growing

maybe but this can't be good for your bones or liver. .5 inches isn't worth liver failure at 40 (if your liver fails you're fucked. if your heart fails you can get a pump, your kidneys dialysis but unless you get a transplant you'll waste away and die in a couple of weeks with a failing liver)

Think it fucks up your kidneys or something like that but needs to be a lot

5 star post

Speak for yourself cocklet. I'm gonna be swinging a 5in monster by this time next year.

I take 5k UI daily (at breakfast) and 250mcg K2 (at dinner every other day already.

this is a good thread

Holy shit based af

Is this permanent?

They all want the D

This is the shittiest study I've ever read.

You can't OD on the good ole D user, make your pp big

>literally going outside in the sun makes your cock bigger
Time to take the nude sunbathing pill


They don't call it vitamin "D" for nothing nomesayin?

Isn't that only like 50 mg of D3?

Someone who wasn’t around when TYVD literally killed an user with vitamins lel

The recommended upper limit (!) for daily vitamin D is 4,000 units or 100µg

The study suggests taking 50,000 units... daily..

>choose either a big dick or smooth skin

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yes but the upper limit is not well established, just kinda like "ehh probably don't need to go over this"

it's obviously not conclusive, but nothing is at first.

The study says that the only known side effect of mega doses of vitamin D is high levels of calcium which can screw with your kidneys.

>Research design:
>Fourteen male friends were invited to participate in a research project.

That doesn't sound sketchy at all
>yeah bro my penis totally got longer by like 2 inches
>y-yeah mine too!
>mine too!

If you read the study there it says that either the penises were measured flaccid or they sent photos proving the size

>yeah bro my penis totally got longer by like 2 inches
good thing they measured it

They measured their dicks bro

I'm absolutely sure it wasn't D. I believe it was K that user took to make his liver die. But everyone knows that you never redline A or K.

And TYDV was always up front about his own stack, and didn't try and prescribe others a stack. He didn't kill that user, that user committed negligent suicide.

What evidence do we have that that story is not false?

50,000 IU a day for 3-6 months is extreme, you'd risk serious kidney damage for half an inch. Maybe worth it if you had regular bloodwork

Vitamin D needs to be acquired from the sun.

You cannot get good synth vit D over the counter.
Tanning for short durations exposed to the sun gets you the best and only form of vitamin D (or even limited use of tanning bed with eye wear) you should acquire. You CANNOT OD on sun metabolized D.
You CAN get sick and die of synth D overdose from even the good shit via prescription.

Just get some sun retards. It is likely the penile boost is from increased blood flow and other hormonal increases most men lack.

Zero. I'm assuming it's true to give the other user the benefit of the doubt. We have no unquestionable confirmation that happened.