>746 cases
>28 deaths
>1000000 cases
>60k deaths
the fall of america is coming and the balkans will rise, my cheat curls and coronavirus did more damage than 2 world war together, im a god
>746 cases
>28 deaths
>1000000 cases
>60k deaths
the fall of america is coming and the balkans will rise, my cheat curls and coronavirus did more damage than 2 world war together, im a god
Other urls found in this thread:
You suck dick
I don't belive this is balkanfag himself
Post dildo with timestamp or gtfo
cock sucker
at this point i dont care what you say anymore, i dont have to prove anything soon you will drop your jaw on awe and i be laughin my ass off ameriboy
No one travels to shithole Albania, That's why.
Russia had nearly no cases at first because they closed their borders, Only after Putin relaxed travel restrictions did more cases start.
It's the same reason the coastal states in the USA have more cases, International travel. Look at cuckifornia, jew york, michigan, and Texas. All red with cases of the Chinese virus
well yeah, living in a 3rd world country that exports a welfare class to better countries would give you a strong immune system
>at least you guys have plenty of bunkers kek
stay mad downloaded tinder oday put it location on europe and america because bored and european and american girls crave on albanian chad dick your women love me, after corona i may do modeling or.becoming athlete i will see lol how does it feel you were born ugly weak and slow ?
You do know "girls" don't have dicks for you to suck, right?
yea i know you are jelly im sorry your genetics are inferior i didnt ask to be this good i was just lucky u mirin?
You have to educated to be an athlete. You can shovel the trash and shit out of Albania's streets while you get your GED and learn to form a proper sentence.
lol u dont get it u have more cases because want your fucked up country to be removed i will not stop untill i.obliterate that piece of shit i wanna see americans drown in blood and burn alive
i have been reading and learning english if i get lucky and get sponsor i may afford college or something i know i will make it i just need no drug anymore
Kys non-white. No woman wants to fuck a poverty stricken Albanian lmao.
lol your women love wild men that has no fear i would destroy and ravage your female relative pussy in a blink and put superior baby in them my babies can bully your virgin american baby looooooool
Americans sure make you seethe. Just leave the husky fuckers alone
America has been blatantly lying about its death count to keep the retarded farm animals living here scared and docile. The disease has been shown to have an actual fatality rate around 0.2-0.4%.
It would take AT LEAST 15 million cases to approach 60,000 actual deaths. America doctors have been attributing ANY death that involved fever, pneumonia, and/or respiratory distress to the WuFlu. This is due to a combination of the CDC telling them to do this, and the federal government giving states tens of thousands of dollars for medical spending per reported death.
The "danger" of this "pandemic" is a gigantic fucking lie. It really is just a worse than average seasonal flu, at most. HABBENING fags stay wrecked. And open the fucking country up.
Someone post the screencap of his degeneracy. I like how he really has no response for being a sissyslut. You wanna be gau be gay, don't go Def-Con 11 denial mode
holy cope who would think 120 kg cheat curls would damage americans this bad lol
I don't think you know what cope means
Account for population size, it's not going to be impressive either.
I have no idea what the fuck is going on, I just wanted to spell out that the Shanghai Shivers are ultimately business as usual for humanity and that proles like you should be very irritated with your governments suppressing basic human rights over it.
You sound like a massive faggot. Post lifts.
yes cope is what you doing now
stay mad loser give daughter and mother so i can make better genetic in your family lol
Post back, Quasimodo
women love my back
Post face if you're not afraid of BAC (Big American Cock)
You won't because you do care about being exposed as a fag to your commieblock
But you suck dick? How do women matter
Yeah i bet gipsy girls in 1800s Paris are all over your deformed shoulders lmao
im not a fag thats a jew american lie because they cant stand a minority that isnt an american nigger stronger than them keep worshiping your nfl nigger i can stomp them all to death
Oh shit it's shitform twistedback balkanworm
How many dozen dicks have you sucked since your last thread, shiptar?
based balkan chad
>746 cases
Holy fuck everyone in Albania has chinkflu? That’s fucked.