He claims it's natural

He's been lifting over 20 years. Is Vic the last true natty king?

Attached: 2.jpg (600x659, 44.12K)

Arguably some of the best arms on YouTube

Attached: 2.jpg (1280x720, 99.88K)

Impressive and you can tell he is Natty since his arms are so small.

this man has worked significantly harder than his genetics suggest he should be able to


That is disgusting

synthol is still natty so yes he is

>That is disgusting

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the cope
is reaching levels
I could never imagin

This board is truly trash

He hasn't gained crazy size or conditioning the passed few years so he probably is natty rn, if hes cycled previously in the past no idea.
Heres a pic if him during contest looking natty af

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Low IQ opinion

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His lat insertions are fucking insane. Honestly everything else in that physique is definitely achievable natty. His conditioning is superb there.

Definitely gifted in the genetics department there

Is it even possible to hold onto gains after coming off a cycle?

lol what the fuck

> he probably is natty

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Of course it is. I've been off gear since January, my gym has been closed since March. I've been doing nothing but home workouts since and I haven't lost any size. I went over to a friend's home gym on sunday and hit 10 reps with lmao3plate on the bench, so strength is still there too.

Unfortunate bicep genetics. Has he torn his bicep or was he just cursed from the start?

looks like TRT. his physique is a 1950s ideal

Yes user that is actually natty, I know you like to probably parrot shit but he has no evidence of using PEDs in that pic

>Unfortunate bicep genetics
Hello newfag.

Take his lats out the equation and tell me what you think is unachievable on that body.

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uh huh and his mom is a virgin


Shit this was meant for ->

so butthurt 24/7 that even a simple joke can send him into delusional ravings

this man really has autism



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Crazy lats. non-existent traps.

Roflmao maybe at 4'11" thats natty