is it too late to turn my life around at age 24?
Is it too late to turn my life around at age 24?
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>age 24
Hell of a lot better time than at 34.
In what way?
You fat?
Start fasting
Become a minimalist and build up from theme
Out of shape?
Dress like shit?
Get over it.
>alpha m.
give OP a chance instead of linking marketing department shilling manlets
it's never too late bro
Yes but 27 is the cut off point
Bullshit I'm 32 and will make it this year.
never knew it's loose under the treadmill, how does it not slip away when you run on top if it's loose?
This It's hard to improve after 27 since your brain stops developing and you become a slave of previously created neuron paths.
I'm so sorry. Just give now now and save yourself from the future disappointment.
And the rest of you please don't take "advice" from this defeatist loser.
>muh previous neuron pathways
Top fucking kek. Any excuse with some of you isn't there?
it will get harder every year though so its better to do it now than later
Be me age 27. Lose job and get in deep shit with the law. Start using my tech degree after. Get tech certs out the ass an learn. Land gig making 2.5x what I was making. start actively boxing again. Yeah man. Any age youre good. Its just heart and drive.
No. 28 and had incredible progress this year despite corona. Did 1st proper pull up today, am talking to a girl. I feel like I'm on the verge of making it.
> posting alpha manlet
nibber pls
Ever wondered why your mother/father have never changed or "made it" all this time? Yeah, that's why. It's nearly impossible to give up on your bad habits (as well as good ones) after 27. You will need either a physical inability to continue or some psychological trauma.
bull fucking shit. If you were a looser and expect shit to change when you dont want to change even your shitty attutude then, and only then you will fail
Ruined my life by being a lazy neet shut in. Turning shit around somewhat. Have another chance to get on my feet and have my own life
my dad was broke for a while. He now clears 500k. He went to school worked 2 jobs and grinded out the ass. Quit making limitations man you sound like a loser.
this guy talks and acts like such a fag. Also is there a version of this video for white people?
its never too late nignog, Only "excuse" right now should be corona, nothing else, and even then.. it's not a valid excuse as you can still improve yourself.
I was a total fucking loser until I was 32, now I have a beautiful 24 year old girlfriend, a great job, a big house and thousands in the bank. It's never too late if I can do it anyone can
>boo hoo change is hard
Fuck off. Hard does not mean impossible.
How do I know this? Because I've fucking done it.
Sorry it didn't work out for you, but exactly what do you gain from trying to dissuade others?
>alpha goblino
nigga what
28 and doing 1 pull up and talking to a girl which make up half the population of earth.. Im making it.
Is this bait ?
I'm not that guy, but for some it's the small victories.
Come on guys. Stop being in denial, your age won't revert back from it. There's always a chance like in fancy success stories that everything will work out in the end if you just continue to press forward and never give up. But we know it won't be you.
People love clinging to the dream of a change when in reality they don't need any. In fact they'd be more happy without doubts about their "ideal" vision of themselves.
I'm just trying to help. Acceptance is the first step towards coming to terms with your current self.
>I feel like I'm on the verge of making it.
You're not, but that positive mindset will benefit you
Projection - the post
youre a loser.
fuck off fag, self-improvement is always better than self-acceptance, especially if your life is total shit
No its not too late do you really wanna begin being miserable for the rest of your life at such a young age?
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