Yas Forums humor general

good ones edition

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You’re are 1 (one) RM max

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as a simple guy i like the simple ones best

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Why doesn't this work irl unironically? Explain I'm too brainlet

Guys why hasn’t anyone replied yet?

Physics or some bullshit, I dunno

its because you're too dense for the bar. it'd work on the moon because gravity doesn't work the same

Because wheb you deadlift you arent actually pulling bar off the ground, you are pushing the earth away from the bar.

If you tried this irl you would just sink into the ground.

I like this one

you need to be able to deadlift your max+your bodyweight which is impossible since you always add your bodyweight to your max

When you lift a bar up, you’re exerting that same amount of force down into the ground. Obviously if you try lifting a bar with two plates while standing on it you’d be exerting that same weight back onto it. Meaning the net force is 0 and no movement is made.

>it'd work on the moon
wait really?

Shins too far away from bar

Because you’re too dyel to pull it off

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Gotta post the basics.

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How does that just happen?


>This is the use of explosive strength

KEK best post yet