Do starting strength, it'll help

>do starting strength, it'll help
>starting strength is the way to go!
great, just fucking great
now I can't even fit into any of my clothes, what do I do now?

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fuck you

>what do I do now?
buy new clothes

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How do I even go to the store? Literally the only thing that fits me now it's my fat sister's jeans. My entire lower body wardrobe became useless.

you know what to do

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Do some calf work, renaissance fair drum stick lookin ass

Stop being delusional OP, there's nothing wrong with achieving the primal strength of a T-Rex. I bet you can outsquat all these fuckers

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Mirin' glutes, no homo.




not even a little?

>Brother in law starts getting into lifting
>Bought him Starting Strength because he's focused on strength
>His sisters won't stop bitching about him being thicker than them now.
>All he does is deadlift.

What did I do?

>What did I do?
sent him down the path of salvation
>sisters complaining about thickness
oof. they sound fat. hope the sister that matters (wife) isn't """"thick""""

larp, this isnt you

One of the sisters is a turbo thot beyond all hope. The other is emotional but has a lot of promising to being a great trad wife some day, she's slightly chubby but acceptable imo.

My wife's obese though and I've been hoping to motivate her through my own fitness levels.

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Actually laughed when I saw saint Ripp looking on

SS or Stronglifts?
Been doing calisthenics and im gonna do either SS or Stronglifts when gyms open up again.
I've done SS before btw, lost most of that progress due to moving abroad, not having money/food for a while or a gym membership, so im not completely new to beginner strength training.

from calisthetic definitely SS

Neither, do Phrak's Greyskull LP instead. Yes, it's almost the same program, but there are 3 important differences :
1) AMRAP sets allow you to set PRs even if you pick a too light weight and during deloads
2) Less squats, which should help prevent t-rex mode
3) Rows are much better than cleans for normal recreational lifters

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So you squat last and not first?


Yes. That's kind of arbitrary and personal preference, squatting first is fine too. But the advantage of squatting last is it won't interfere with your upper body lifts, while squatting first might if you have a really hard session.

Women don’t get motivated by seeing their partner lift and get fit. Women only get angry. Be prepared for her to make some shit up about you beating her.

Wasted digis on an incel post baka