Which muscles do I train to push people really hard?

Which muscles do I train to push people really hard?
I can beat people in fights most of the time, but in the beggining when we are just pushing each other around my pushes don't even move some people and I look like a pussy. I consider myself to be kinda strong, but I guess I'm lacking the muscles involved in performing an explosive pushing motion.

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You're definitely not getting in frequent fights if you have to ask questions like this

Not frequent, I've only gotten into 8 if I recall correctly...

Attached: i seriously doubt that richard spencer.jpg (1024x992, 98.26K)


Bro, 8 fights is normal if you're not a bootlicking pussy. Almost certainly more than 8 people have disrespected you to the point of fighting, but since you're a little bitch you don't fight them.

Attached: cringe compilation nope.jpg (613x531, 48.15K)

Yoo are you a minor? You should probably be studying or somethin kiddo.

This place has rules now or what?

Only 8 people have talked shit to you? What are you a woman?

If someone talks shit you don't even acknoledge them cause you're not a little fag that needs to prove his manliness at every turn. If they cross the line or directly challenge you then they're game.

Confirmed under age
gtfo faggot

lol newfag

You have to be 18 to post here

Confirmed faggot
gtfo underage

Not OP, but I've been here for 6 months and I have never heard of these rules

It's becoming embarrassing to post in this thread

p = mv
improve the m or improve the v

> 6 months
bait, underage, or both

push ups, preferably weighted ones get a a weighted vest or a good backpack and fill it with rocks or sand or bags of water.

OP do heavy overhead presses or push presses. The latter especially should give you that explosiveness

Pushing people is mostly matter of weight. Get heavier.

Attached: bloat power norf.webm (288x360, 672.17K)

8 fights is normal if your a a nigger.

>8 fights is normal if you're not a bootlicking pussy

P= Fv /= mv

this is the gayest post that i have ever seen on Yas Forums, and that includes all the trap porn shitposting that shows up on this homosexual clusterfuck of a board

I've heard that hip thrusts develop the most standing horizontal pushing force. I know for a fact that explosive strength is just strength. You could go and fast rep bench 1pl8 all day and get a little more explosive, or you could progress to 3pl8 and be able to throw the 1pl8 bar into the ceiling.

*pushes you and watches you fall*

Lol good luck pushing me when I’m already behind you slashing your achilles tendent

I'm not Achilles. That's not my weakness.

Be a lineman

If you are contantly being disrespected yo point a fight breaks out maybe you actually deserve the disrespect