Scared to go to the gym with all the young chads

>reminds him of his lost youth

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Can't believe I'm almost 31 with no accomplishments since high school. Just being conscious of the life I've lived is unbearable. I'm unironically going to kill myself.

kys boomies

>reminds him of his lost youth
I'm only 23 and feel this....

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i swear 23 is when you realize your lost youth

19y here
same for me

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18 here

Wish i was back in da gud ol days

>high school over
>college over
>finally realizes youth if fleeting, social opportunities missed, you can try to make up for lost time but it just isn't the same.

you still have a little time but need to hurry.

18 and 19 year olds who just posted there is still time for you.

23 year old who just posted there is still time for you to but hurry the fuck up

At 25 I dont give a fuck about good times with the bros. I am just enjoying the gains and heightened sex drive from my cycles. Always been a loner anyway. I guess needing to fit in with fellow chads is a white boy thing.

30 here. My "youth" was such an abortion. I've ruined almost all my relationships with bizarre anti-social behavior. I threw away my talents. I just quit everything I was good at and withdrew to my room to smoke weed. I am ready to die.

Nonsense 30 is the best time to fuck young women they are harder to get but it is such a rush knowing you are 30 fucking an 18

Agreed. Uni being over is the final nail in the coffin. Even if you're not that socially active, in uni you always have acquaintances and peers to talk to. Once you graduate and realize you made zero (0) actual friends in uni it's a hard pill to swallow and the loneliness of post grad life hits you like a brick.

The only saving grace is dating apps and work colleagues.

God I want them so bad. I see them in their sports bras when I'm out hiking. Their skin is so soft and smooth. It glows

nothign more sad than creepy 30y hitting on young women


You kidding? Fit/wealthy 30yos slay early 20s girls. A cousin's friend of mine was 21 when she married her 30yo bf and she was hot as fuck.

Not creepy at all if anything it is inspiring.

and all of it could have been avoided if you actually had the stones to approach girls/attempt to make friends. Vast majority of people here there's nothing wrong with, they just don't have the courage to even try.

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What do you guys think you're doing wrong? I'm a few months away from turning 30 and despite being average at everything other than lifting my life has gotten incrementally better and I've gotten happier every year since about age 18. The only "secret" I have is to just not quit. If you keep putting one foot in front of the other you'll eventually get somewhere as long as you have a goal. I've fucked up so many times but it's never stopped me from trying.

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t. neckbeard boomers seething

Not seething just saying that shit is hot.

>Vast majority of people here there's nothing wrong with, they just don't have the courage to even try.
Tell me about it, this is the part that hurts the most. If you compare the denizens of this board to the "average" person we're really not that far off. Part of me thinks growing up with this website just leads to anti-social behaviors, or maybe it just becomes a substitute for a social life in the first place.

There's nothing we can do about it now though except focus on the day ahead and not look back on what could have been.

>T. zoomer whose girl left him for an older dude

Not an incel

And cant call it creepy if she is legal and sexually developed

Gotta take your personal feelings out of it.

But at the end of the day it is the people who find it scandalous who make it so exhilarating.

>Not an incel

And cant call it creepy if she is legal and sexually developed

Gotta take your personal feelings out of it.

But at the end of the day it is the people who find it scandalous who make it so exhilarating.

Also that and the fact she is in her physical prime.

Most likely it high testosterone dudes do not care who girls are smashing as long as they can still get some too. It is always the low t girly men who feel uncomfortable about these things. Young boy probably does not even leave his house and has never had pussy yet he is calling other men incels lol.

If you're 30 and still a loser you have only yourself to blame. I was a major coward all my early 20s and had to force myself to get better in terms of social skills, career, and outlook.

>can't approach a girl
What is stopping you high IQ posters from temporarily shutting off your brain and having one minute of courage? You need to channel your inner brainlet/normie and stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong and SHOOT YOUR SHOT, bro.

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Social skills seems impossible for me I fixed myself out of the house at 24 now 25 but still cant talk to people. Would it be wise to try and get diagnosed with autism in case I should require the neet bucks?

>Part of me thinks growing up with this website just leads to anti-social behaviors, or maybe it just becomes a substitute for a social life in the first place.
I don't think this place is the cause, just a coping mechanism, a place for people to retreat to when they're displeased with their irl experience. I guess the self-denigrating/self-pity posting can lead to some pretty warped views and a reinforced pessimism though.

>There's nothing we can do about it now though except focus on the day ahead and not look back on what could have been.
True. It's difficult. But true.

Same here brother. Put family and friends first and work your ass off when you click in

>>Not an incel
>And cant call it creepy if she is legal and sexually developed
>Gotta take your personal feelings out of it.
>But at the end of the day it is the people who find it scandalous who make it so exhilarating.
>Also that and the fact she is in her physical prime.

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>lost youth
>in a gym

Boomers were out drinking, taking drugs and having plenty of the one thing you are desperate for. sex

Son, oh who am I kidding you are only 12 years younger than me you are not young enough to be my son, but anyway, as long as women your age continue to have asses like this. I am going to keep fucking em.

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Hahahaha Is that your sugar daddy you are using to get back at all the young women who bang older dudes?

>you have only yourself to blame
Um, yeah, that's why I'm not killing someone else

Dont kill you self either just bang 18 - 19 year olds.

I don't think getting diagnosed will change much for you, just another excuse to never tried.
It's not an easy process, I had probably spent 2-3 years constantly reminding myself to not give a shit about what other people think of me and do my own thing. I think this is the main thing for people with social issues, they are always overly concerned with how they come off to others and it messes up with their perception of reality and actions.
Best advice I can give is, just keep practicing. Appear confident, appear interested in people, and stop caring

I have to go back to school anyway if I don't rope so it just might happen. Also I just shaved it bro so I'll be 26-28 until the mid 2040s

How did you learn not to give a shit though. I prep talk myself all the time I say things like I got no reason to care what anyone thinks anyway. As soon as I leave the house the anxious feelings come over me. Even when I dont care what anyone thinks, it probably has to do with something going on in my brain, I still have a hard time making conversation.

Age 29 is when I finally started feeling alright with myself. I was such a cripplingly shy loser who used being an edgelord as a defense mechanism. God damn, it was pathetic. At age 26 or 27 I realized how much shit I was doing wrong socially, emotionally, physically, and started to change, mostly with how I acted socially. By 29 the changes I was making was bearing real fruits. There were some immediate benefits from changing, but by 29 the momentum really became noticeable in everyday life. Yas Forums is great but the biggest factor was definitely the social changes I implemented.

I'm 33 now and doing pretty damn good. I don't feel like all of life is an endless grind until I finally get to die anymore, most days are simply "alright." I got a gf who I'm trying to knock up, a career that's tough but in a satisfying way (outside sales), and I've lost enough weight that I'm now starting to consider putting weight back on, the right way. I'm at the stage right now where I look back on all the years of misery, loneliness and bullshit and think "it was worth it to be where I am now."

Hope that encourages some of you.

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>remain ignorant
that hit me more than anything

>all the young women who bang older dudes
this doesn't really happen as much as you want to think mr.neckbeard

>How did you learn not to give a shit though. I prep talk myself all the time I say things like I got no reason to care what anyone thinks anyway. As soon as I leave the house the anxious feelings come over me
not the user you replied to but this. I do the same thing but still have a hard time calming my nerves when in intense social situations.

Repeating the internal dialogue of, " it doesn't matter what people think of me" and ACTUALLY believing it at a intuitive/fundamental level are two separate things.