I mean seriously this is sick. I hope she knows what she is doing because this could easily destroy ones body is done incorrectly. Anyone here who knows who this woman even is? gif-vif.com
How much weight is that in relation to her bodyweight? Does anyone know the stats?
Why the fuck are you afraid of weighted pull-ups?
Looks like a 35 but I think it says 10 on the plate so 25lbs on a ~110lbs girl would make it ~20-25% bw
Oops, meant for
I do pullups with lmao1pl8 and I'm a twink
It's me half a year from now.
Saturday I did 3x5 pull ups +55lbs at 135lb bodyweight. Felt pretty good.
Nice user
Didn't you see the gif? it's two 10kg plates
if she's 60kg thats 33% of her bw
also op, how would this destroy one's back? that's not perfect form but not that bad desu
green plates are 10kg each but some cheap brands butcher it
Good job user but put on some weight
the best part about this gif is the reaction of the boomer in the background, who cannot believe what he is seeing and is also contemplating the smell
Imagine letting yourself get beyond the point of pulling yourself up. Should be euthanized
i weigh 140lbs and i can do a perfect 1rep pull-up with my own weight added.. it doesnt break anything
Nice Abs
i gotta know who she is!
Sophie Arvebrink!
>linking to a gif
>weighted pull-ups are dangerous
just fucking kill yourself already
sophie has made reverse progress and now holds less muscle mass than ever before, guess shes running a milder steroid dose in any case shes just an ig thot
>I hope she knows what she is doing
I'm pretty sure she knows more than some simp who can't even post a gif and thinks pull-ups are dangerous.
55 lbs master race. My workout is currently 3x5 pulls and 3x5 chin ups at 163 lbs bw. Had to rework my way there after a broken clavicle
If you wouldn't smash this your gay
Fake weight
dude, she has ugly male-face. if youd want to fuck her, then you are probably gay.
t. ranny cope (seething)
wow yall are stupid. never said pullups were dangerous, But tie a weight the to your waist and it slides the wrong angle could literally fuck up your back!
I usually do 3x10 with 30lb added at the end of my pull days.
I'm 5'6" and I like staying lean. I work construction and I'm the small guy on the crew who works the tight spaces.