How can someone so strong and dedicated be so weak minded to get financially tied and laid in sheckles for the rest of his life for this worm shaped creature?
Why did he impregnate this female incel?
Probably because he likes her and she makes him happy.
no such thing as a femcel
>donates 1000$ on twitch
have u seen eddies wife
>getting a girl pregnant is the same thing as watching interracial porn
the mind of the cuckold poster revealed
You'd be surprised
>getting a girl pregnant is the same thing as watching interracial porn
hurr durr I connect thoughts randomly together so it makes no sense but it makes me smaht and oders dump he he
He's a multimillionaire celebrity and married a model. What's so surprising about that? Hard to tell but at least on a surface level they seem to have a good chemistry.
>worm shaped creature
The salt and bitterness is palpable in MGTOW rhetoric. One of the more retarded bank propaganda scripts floating out there rn
>married a model.
That's and odd for word he married a random fan
Harder to have NO sex options for women, but hideously ugly women do exist, and so do women of looks above the bottom of the bottom level, who, if you can possibly imagine, don't want sex with a random stranger (unless he's a supermodel, which isn't an option for them)
Or, in very rare cases, you have insufferable bitches like Emma Watson who no man anywhere near her status wants anything to do with
You don't understand your own meme ideology
Wow, yeah I just assumed based on his past arm candies. She's definitely not ugly though. And smart move by Thor desu. He'll be a superhero, dream come true for her for a long time.
What? Nigger I only posted the second one
Yea show this nigger whos boss here
fuck him up
That would be me, yes
lmao shes a random fan he met somewhere at fucksville
Because a women should be a cute littlte delicate sex object and not build like a man you degenerated faggot
She cute
She looks good to me
they are built for big
orangutan cock
my guy sharing his damn house with an owl
You sound a little sick bro. What porn are you into?
shes orbiter tier material like for you but not for a 6'8 superstar millionaire like hafthor
shut the fuck up
Ok I admit I saw so*y and just assoomed you share the other retard's sentiment
his hands are legitimately the size of her head holy fuck
Up where?
Her skull is clearly larger than his fist by approximately 20% volume you double nigger trap fucking faggot jew
cute cade
>being obsessed with what a grown man does across the planet