Are the cardiovascular health benefits of a glass or two glasses of red wine greater than the harm caused by the...

Are the cardiovascular health benefits of a glass or two glasses of red wine greater than the harm caused by the alcohol it contains? Why or why not?

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Depends on your genetics.

If you're Greek you could get away with drinking wine everyday and living till your 90-100. Don't know how you'd fair if you did this as another ethnic background.

The epidemiology suggests so, but epidemiology is basically fraud """science""" these days so who knows for sure

it's haram and would clouded your mind. wouldn't recommended it.

Go away with your pagan beliefs

drink two bottles a night for max health gains

Why do people still do any form of drugs in 2020?

Italians also run fine on it. I usually end my day with a pint of grappa and my blood work is fine.

You don't drink caffeinated drinks?


just drink a glass or two once in a while it's fine
my grandfather is 96, drinks wine daily and survived from lung cancer when he was 70 something years old.
I personally only drink when I don't lift since I like having it at lunch, and if I drink it I always feel lethargic to lift.

I get the opposite. Wine gets me going and I want to lift more. If they could make some sort of wine based pre workout I'd be sorted.

>imagined that by believing no belief system it will doing any good for (You)
alcohol consumption is responsible for at least 3 MILLIONS DEATH each year

>there are at least 23 health risk attributed to this generally acceptable consumable poison

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People can just drink a few glasses a week and be fine you autist.

Shouldn't Islam ban going outside for unnecessary reasons too then since it means you are more likely to get killed or hit by a car?

just drink your ethanol retard. i won't stop you.

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>dosage doesn't matter
This is the sign of the brainlet. Easily killed if other weren't around to control this variable

In the United States, 30% of people admitted to hospital have a problem related to alcohol.

It is estimated that in 2010, at least there are 208 MILLIONS people worldwide have alcohol addiction.

You see what happened when you say this to large population that small consumption of ethanol is okay?

Both tobacco, heroin, crack, cocaine, lsd, and alcohol/ethanol all classified equally as drug but alcohol/ethanol proved to have the highest economic cost to society.

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Let's ban driving cars too then since car accidents exist.

Brainlets don't realize that reckless behaviour leads to accidents no matter the hobby or substance.
You do know you can overdose on water too right?


Transportation is a must, because you need to go somewhere.
You have to drive car idiot if you wanted to go places. Horrible analogy.

But to drink ethanol just because you wanted to have fun, that is fricking retarded. Nobody is forcing you yet you still doing it. Life is not much different if you weren't drinking ethanol.

Alcohol abuse is associated with many accidents, fights, and offences, including criminal.

Alcohol is responsible in the world for 1.8 million deaths and results in disability in approximately 58.3 million people. Approximately 40 percent of the 58.3 million people disabled through alcohol abuse are disabled due to alcohol-related neuropsychiatric disorders.

Adolescents who abuse alcohol are 17 times more likely to commit suicide than adolescents who don't drink.

Alcohol abuse increases the risk of individuals either experiencing or perpetrating sexual violence.

Alcohol availability and consumption rates and alcohol rates are positively associated with violent crimes, through specifics differ between particular countries and cultures.

what were you raped by your drunk dad? no one cares about your autistic rambling faggot

>People can just drink a few glasses a week and be fine you autist.
so what, I could take a few tiny bumps of coke or heroin every once in a while and be fine but you wouldn't consider that healthy or socially acceptable. Why is alcohol the only one that gets a pass? Not saying it should be banned but people need to stop buying into the myth that its healthy and normal to drink in moderation. We still treat alcohol today the same way we treated tobacco up until the 1960s

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Virgin boring fag detected weee woo bet you have a lot of friends weeee woooo hope you get hit by a car boring fag

alcohol is a Jewish invention to makes us weak, through history people weren't leaving their fruit to become spoiled and then drink it. Wine is actually grape juice freshly squeezed out

Very very retarded take
And yes you could take a few bumps of coke or heroin, the risk of those drugs is the addiction in which alcahol comes nowhere near

Fuck off back to pinterest MADD shill.

Just eat a couple handful of grapes. The "benefits" of wine come from the skin of the grapes.

>Just eat grapes

> without my alcoholz, I am a boring person

Druggies really do btfo themselves in the end