I'm 166cm midget manlet it's over for me

I'm 166cm midget manlet it's over for me....

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Yeah Im 170cm and it sucks

I have to meet like 50 different women before one of them like me, and even then all it takes is a guy whose 6'1 to show a little bit of interest in them, and they instantly bounce.

I learned to just focus on myself and not worry about shit I cant change such as height and fickle and flaky """"women""""

At the end of the day, even the tallfags eventually get to see the worst side of the woman anyway, and they get fucked up badly.

its fucking disgusting how society discriminates men when it comes to height, it has been proven again and again that taller people get paid more, have it easier socially and romantically. height is a thing one can not change unlike muscles.
i feel for you, i got your back.

If I was woman I wouldn't date me either lol

I use drugs to cope with my height

I would.


>clean, tidy and minimalist house
>can cook
>minimalist lifestyle
>not materialistic, prefer experiences over "things"
>dont have debt
>have 1 year worth of living expenses in emergency savings
>my parents have been married for nearly 40 years and are still happily married together
>dont get angry or violent
>dont drink alcohol, dont do drugs, dont smoke
>exercise everyday
>dont eat fast-food
>fit and "toned" body
>straight white teeth
>loyal and want 1 woman in my life
>have no interest in random casual sex with sluts

My downsides are that I'm 5'7 and autistic, but other than that I believe I have a lot to offer a high quality loyal woman. Most men are shit people, but women want shit people, because women care more about HEIGHT and FACE than they do anything else.


No worries

Dont be a fag

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Brehs I'm so sad, I'm 175cm, and the girl I like is 5+cm taller than me. I'm good looking but still it kills your confidence. Tfw probably won't be able to breed warrior children into a amazon mommy

>>dont get angry or violent
You're missing out

Me again here

I actually had a 6ft+ MODEL who wanted to be with me, and this "relationship" lasted about 1 month.

Then she left out of nowhere and went to some Chad guy who went on to be some physically and mentally abusive guy. She has messaged me telling me that this guy does that to her, complaining about him b being abusive...and yet she stays with him anyway, and I just blocked her

So many women are retarded and care so much about being with Chad that they would rather be a abusive scary relationship with a Chad than be in a comfy safe happy relationship with a manlet autist like me.

What's your weight and lifts OP? 167cm here

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I'm 165cm started as a twink with 49kg. I'm 66kg atm going for 70kg. I would say I'm happy and I can't remember when the last time was, when my height mattered or had a negative impact in something that I am doing

Try to make the best out of your situation and keep a positive mindset.

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>My downsides are that I'm . . .

No your downsides are that you sound boring as fuck and have nothing to offer if those are the reason why people should date you

167cm masterrace reporting in. Own it you faggots. Being short is life on easy mode I swear

Small carnivore mode

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>minimalist lifestyle
>not materialistic, prefer experiences over "things"
>dont drink alcohol, dont do drugs, dont smoke
>dont eat fast-food
>have no interest in random casual sex with sluts
You are one BORING motherfucker
Also most girls don't care about your financial situation unless you're practically a bum or flaunt your (real or made up) wealth

I'm manlet

Yeah some tall women told me that I was cute but I was so high on mdma I didn't know what was going on desu

Who defines what is "boring" and why is being "boring" by NPC standards a bad thing?


Yeah you are right

Kek. I'm mogging you manlets from 1.86

5/7 isn't even that bad your just retarded bro. You can definitely get puss

I wish I was that tall

You're boring because most of the quality you're able to list are things you DON'T do rather than things you do.. You take pride in not partaking in things most people your age enjoy doing which just makes you the adult version of a middleschooler who thinks being a lonewolf who doesn't socialize much makes him cool.
The thing is that despite believing you're not an NPC, you (just like anyone else) are not unique and you can be easily replaced. Normies are having fun whether you're there or not while you and your false sense of superiority are brainstorming to figure out why noone wants to date you

Pretty much dude, sorry. In the old days, height didn't matter as much. Hell even 20 years ago a short guy could still ascend with fat girls. But now with Tinder and social media, guys like me (5'6") and you have no chance.

I did the Tinder Passport thing over the past week after I saw that it was free and suggested here. I live in a rural area so it's hard to meet anyone on Tinder around here. So I moved it to the closest city which is an hour away. I got about 30 likes and 15 matches. Most unmatched me once they saw I didn't live there. But a few kept talking to me. Of the few that kept talking and was planning to meet, I finally brought up the height issue. I asked their heights and they replied wanting mine. As soon as I gave it to them, they all ghosted me. These are girls that I had been talking to for a week and we already had plans to meet.

Oh well thank God there is some drugs

This user gets it.

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Why would any woman date you, you sound fucking lame
Materialism is somewhat good
Being completely straight edge only looks good for giga Chad's

Another 167 cm masterrace reporting in.
Lanklets can only dream of such fast visible gains.

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Im not "straight edge"

This is just my personality and how I live. Its not a choice I made, its just what I naturally live. There is no "trying" for me to live this way, I just do.

The whole "straight edge" shit means you would have been a degenerate in the past, and now you're not, and you're avoiding degenerate things.

Ive never been a degenerate, I dont have a degenerate past life, therefore I cannot be labeled as "straight edge".

>Of the few that kept talking and was planning to meet, I finally brought up the height issue
>I asked their heights
Calling your own height an issue, NGMI in 100 years.
Being so insecure that you ask random thots about their height, NGMI in 1000 years.

Also, what was your plan? You ask them about their height and if they are too tall, you ghost them? But you are mad at them because they ghost you, prbly because you sound a like some beta.
>H-how t-tall are you, I'm kinda s-small I hope that i-is not a p-p-problem
>pls respond