Please rate my:

Please rate my:

- Shoulders
- Biceps

Attached: 20200427_075707 (2).jpg (1706x1440, 554.36K)

Congrats you trained for 6 months want a medal ?

u look like anteto frame-wise

No, 3 months and I am not making much progress anymore and I have chicken legs.

Thanks for your contribution.

0,0,0, /thread

- Shoulders 7/10
- Biceps 5/10
-Forearms 1/10

Bruh this isn't worth posting, still better than average I guess
Keep it up tho

You llok like a skeleton who went full SS



you're roiding aren't you?

I'm a seasoned long time lifter and you look aesthetically pleasing in that photo. Don't care about these retards above.

Where's my shoulder/bicep/forearm rating ey?

Attached: yes.jpg (833x757, 116.35K)

You're right handed and coom too much

Gross, you're fat and your wrist looks wrong

> "You're fat"

Attached: 20200122_000751-01.jpg (1980x1770, 1.24M)

You have bigger tits than my girlfriend and Kek at your HGH mixed with beer gut

tfw your gf is a child

Looks good but sit up right
Looks like someone injected oil into you

Out of all the comebacks you could have came up with, that's all you had?

Attached: 1583147718485.jpg (640x480, 46.29K)

Stfu fag you don't even have a girlfriend you dyel

Attached: okretard.jpg (700x473, 33.81K)

Attached: dennis-mejillones-14.jpg (1920x2167, 418.03K)

Dude what? What the fuck are you running rn or are you just retarded? Get your e2 levels in check

Let's see whatcha look like

Shoulders are obviously great but you need to build traps and forearms if you ever want to mog someone

Was one arm photoshopped to look bigger than the other. I see his right shoulder being noticeably bigger than his left.

w2c pants? They look comfy


>my gfs "tits" are smaller than pecs
She is 9, right? You've got the same tastes as the prophet

There's this brand called Workout, obvious ripoff of Gymshark. I got them from Primark/Penny's, not sure where you live but it's mostly an Irish-based clothing store.
