He claims he never works out other than biking, is this possible??

he claims he never works out other than biking, is this possible??

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he's a nigger so yes, prob does pushups though

Yea, totally. That's about where I am and I don't even bike lol

White, btw

post body

He BMXs. You can get light hypertrophy from that.

I mean, he certainly looks like he doesn't lift at all
So yeah that makes sense

He is black. Unless they get obese they have abs

I've really got start lifting

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you need to eat bro.


I believe you with that skeleton mode.

hes a famous faggot i really really doubt he doenst work out

he has sex very often, but that's not considered a workout

he has sex with dudes

He doesn't have much muscle except abs, he's just really lean.
You can definitely get that from just biking if you do a lot of it

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jesus dude can you even lift up a pencil without strain?
fucking pathetic.

you don't lift? can i se your calves? how are you so fucking cut?

bullshit,you must do plenty of athletic work daily even if you don't lift.

Something wrong bro? Not everyone can be as amazing as you. Calm yourself
Idrk. But probably that, at the time, I was not eating much for various reasons. And being really wiry, and struggling to put on weight, has been a known trait in the family history

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If that was you without ever exercising you professional bb potential.

But you are doing biking or something you lying faggot

Yea could be, I am fairly active. Not super active though, where I lift heavy stuff for work or anything. Mostly on my feet all day tho. And honestly, I used to workout fairly seriously, full body workout with dumbbells once a day, about an hour, with whey protein and creatine, but I stopped all that over 10 years ago. Have tried to pick it up again here and there over the years (no creatine tho, all natural if I do get back into it), but I've never been consistent for over a month or two. You could probably say I've lifted weights an average of 1 month in 8 over the last 5 years. So yea that's not nothing literally desu

Relax, relax. Yea I'm not completely green. Here's the story:

And yeah, no way in hell. I'm an asthmatic smoker. Part of the reason I'm never hungry. God, I've got to quit. My cardio is dogshit these days

>He doesn't know the benefits of overhead pressing bitches before nutting for maximum test

Clean your room

Fatty detected
He looks good

>bloatmode powerbottom tren rage

holy shit please explain more about how you are active. Unironically curious

Post body

>asthmatic smoker.
Bad idea bro, especially during la rona

its called being a fucking nigger; they are more animal than human

Work on my feet in fast food, in tradeschool to be a mechanic. It's alot of lecture, some work with your hands but like I said nothing heavy, and alot of standing around smoking and doing nothing because my teammates are lazy assholes who deserve to be beaten.

From 13-18 I worked out every day for about an hour using two 20lb dumbells for pretty much everything. One set per bodypart until failure, (but two for biceps bc girls and bc they're easy). Took about 50g of whey per day. Took creatine too, but I forget how much. I was too ADD to bother really doing much reading or homework about what I was doing. I got pretty big, I felt but never too pictures bc I felt it would make me a psychologically weak and vain man.

For family reasons mostly, when I turned 18 I stopped everything. Didn't touch a dumbell for years. At 24 I worked out and did cardio consistently for three months. Since 2014, every several months I try again to pick up the habit and haven't been successful. My last good month was September 2019, got a bodypart or two in every other day or so. Nothing up to par on Yas Forumss standards, I'm sure. I kind of just pick a bodypart and do what feels nice, and easy. I don't like to stress my shitty joints at all. And since september, I've probably tried to do pushups or something once or twice a month before petering out.

A big reason why I don't bodybuild now is my shit is pretty beaten up. So the time I do spend on taking care of my body is yoga and therapy type stuff for alot of crap I've got going on. I've got tendonitis issues in my hands and forearms from being a shutin neet since I was a young teen. Got some mild scoliosis probably, and some minor issues in my back. I also was a retard and had a minor umbilical hernia sewed up with mesh last year (warning, do your homework on this stuff if you're thinking about it) and that is still giving me some issues that I'm working on, too.

Thanks for the encouragement Yas Forumsbros, I do appreciate it

Post body

He looks like your average grown man who does cardio and eats right
He is skinny and small