Am I fucked or excuses

am an incel except for hookers at 20 all my life and have this nose but even more upturned, honestly it’s not my fault right

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All I'll say is that I hope you don't go anywhere near a school

I like your hair style. you are not ugly, with an eyebrow implant you would look better

excuses, get a new hoodie and socialize more.
get rid of the hoodie alltogther actually

Bro, I swear you are good.
> Nice looking lips
> Top eyes
> Good symmetry
Dude you'll fuck don't worry.

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Girls want masculine guys not feminine faced fags

Underage leave

Just stop being a fatty.

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Do something difficult for once in your life, too babyfaced mo masculinity

Stop comparing yourself to 10/10 chads you’re a decent looking dude. Work on your personality and you should get good results

Bro don’t worry you just gotta be confident and talk to girls, works for me, maybe even buy some new clothes.

Pic related is me btw, not sure if it matters.

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Bro just bee yourselp
pic related is me btw not sure if that matters

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that feel when you talk ppl all they see is two big nostrils , incel curse

fucking cringe. Also excuses

love yourself

does this face look masculine to you?

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sorry bro youre not gonna make it some of us are incels just bcus of the face no matter how much Yas Forumscels try encourage you to get big youll still be subhuman

true bruh, these faggots don’t know

dude just get cosmetic surgery and jump through 10thousand more hoops just to experience life like a normal person

You're fucked if you don't fix your shitty ass store, Sweeny

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Can I fuck your sister?

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Don't worry, I got laid at 24.
If you stop calling yourself an incel and actually try and improve maybe you'll make it.

Stop wearing black if you can't keep it clean, and ffs stop putting your hood up in cars and indoors. That's a good start.

You look like a potato if it sucked cock. Lose weight fatty.

Stop wearing hoodies outside unless you're doing sports. You're not a kid anymore and being a proper normie isn't about doing what's comfortable, it's about doing things that'll make you stand out, that you can brag or at least humble brag about.
>B-but I see Chad wearing his hoodies outside all the time
You're not Chad. You're a disgusting incel who needs to respect the rules before you can start to break them.


>honestly it’s not my fault right
It absolutely is your fault, fix your attitude. Stop posting on Yas Forums, Yas Forums, or whatever lookism/incel forum your cockroaches post on. Stop being a defeatist little faggot - lift, study properly, do something with your life.

You'll probably just keep shitposting and blame all your failures in life on the fact that your "nose turns upwards". It's fucking pathetic.

Bro, we're not trying to write off your concerns. But, younger objectively not ugly. If you lower your bf %, your face will bubble more defined and masculine. You're not feminine, you just look like a boy. Getting rid of that baby fat will help.

You will make it

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You look 12 and have a face that will age horribly. pray to god that you will grow a beard by 30

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What a shame a core of shit isn't wrapped up in a skin that's equally squalid and degenerate.
Fix the shit inside, it's absolute bottom tier.