>Testosterone is what makes you horny and agressive
>The more you do nofap, the more hornier and agressive you become
>People still say it doesn't increase test
Has this argument been debunked? I never seen a counter argument for this: if testosterone makes you horny and angry and so does nofap, then how can you say it doesn't increase test? Tell me exactly what makes a man horny then, if not testosterone.
Testosterone is what makes you horny and agressive
Other urls found in this thread:
>The more you do nofap, the more hornier and agressive you become
Any proof of that? because I'd assume that somebody who faps dozens of times a day despite not wanting to (in other words, a sex addict) is far hornier than somebody who can control himself.
Also, T levels after fapping have been measured in several studies. they peak shortly after ejaculation (~8h iirc), then drop to around 80% of the average. In other words, nofap reduces testosterone.
Post studies.
Have you never taken a basic statistics class? One of the first things you learn is "CORRELATION DOES NOT IMPLY CAUSATION"
Because you're a retarded faggot who confuses correlation with causation
Something about androgen receptors
Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization researchgate.net
Sexual release downregulates androgen receptors in a very specific part of the brain that handles sexual activity.
>Has this argument been debunked?
>Not posting any proof for claims
>demanding proof for oposing claims
here you go. Now show your proof that not fapping makes people horny and aggressive, and that high testosterone does the same. Or just shut up.
In studies where they talk about frequent masturbation, what do they define as frequent?
I fucking knew you'd say that. Still my question stands strong and you just fell short on your lying ass, you know I'm right but you want to keep deceiving everyone into keeping coomimg. Again, I ask you: What makes someone horny and why is it testosterone?
>prove to me that not fapping makes you horny
You're not even trying anymore lol
>Tell me exactly what makes a man horny then, if not testosterone.
I get angry when I step on a tack, does that raise my test
What about jacking off to a really hot porn where the girl has an annoying as fuck voice?
That makes me horny and angry, does that raise my test?
How retarded can a person be?
>I get angry WHEN
See, when you do nofap you're angry all the time, not just when something bad happens
>I get horny when jacking off
With nofap you are horny all the time. Try harder next time.
You’re literally a retard. Just being angry doesn’t raise your test. According to your backwards ass logic I should just purposely make my life as infuriating and frustrating as possible to raise T. But that’s not what would happen, I’ll just feel like shit from being stressed.
You need testosterone to be angry, not the other way around dumbass
>reading comprehension
I wish I had your arsenal of retarded baitness to lower the morale of some people I know, but I think that takes years of training. How long did it take you to become this retarded?
Cortisol actually decreases test. If you're stressed the fuck out all the time, you're gonna get fat and have low test.
Lmao you literally failed to read my post properly so now it’s bait. Everything I said was true, you’re a retard.
>looking at porn or drinking alcohol makes me horny
guess thats the secret to boosting test
Been wondering this for years.
When I’m about 2 weeks into nofap my personality changes drastically. I start wanting to be noticed by everyone and challenge them subconsciously. If someone is doing something that annoys me I’ll actually start shit talking them
have sex
I do. After sex I feel alpha while jerking off brings my vibe lower. Sex between two people is a high energy high vibration ting
If x, then y =/= if y, then x. The fact that you and most of the world doesn't understand this is a cause for a lot of retardation.
>used to edge like crazy for the past 2+ years
>fap sessions lasting 3ish hrs
>morning wood became non-existant
>can't maintain boner for more than a few minutes
>feeling sexual blankness when with grill
>nofap periods of 1-3 weeks interspersed
>started nofap-nopprn a week and a half ago
>added multivitamin and maca yesterday
is there still hope for me? How long will it take to reset? 25yo btw
That’s kike shit
You're confounding, many things make you horny and aggressive.
And in my experience, no fap just makes me distracted.
BS sex addicts just are addicts and crave the high even when their libido is not raised, cuz it's what they do, like garfield eats lasagna.
after not jerking off for x amount you sure are hornier than someone who jerks off 8 times a day you just get used to it, it is your potency.
It is, short term though. You still haven't answered my question, why does nofap make people horny if not for testosterone? And have you really resolved to saying something else rather than testosterone makes you horny? Are you that stupid?