What are some lesser known sports where I can put my strength to use?
List as many as possible please
What are some lesser known sports where I can put my strength to use?
List as many as possible please
Weight lifting
bouldering, your bitch ass bar gripping strength has no use here
wrestling, no better conditioning than throwing a grown man to the floor
axe throwing is all about technique
How is bouldering strength related rather than muscle endurance
>where I can put my strength to use
Strength is used in basically everything. Do some combat sport, like HEMA if you're European.
Log throwing
you mean american, aussie or soccer?
Was thinking about trying rugby. thoughts?
Do metalworking without powertools. Many kinds, forging, cutting, so on
You mean like blacksmithing? Is there a /starting smith/ I can look into? Sounds kinda fun
Fairly sure there's a general on /diy/. Otherwise go to /t/ and download some ebooks.
Or just search up blacksmithing forums like a normal human being.
Helping friends move out.
> physical gains
> social gains
> moral gains
Just how strong are you OP?
Highland games
Grip strength competitions
Rape-ape wrangling (inquire at your local police academy)
discuss throw
phonebook ripping
based answer, don't mean necessarily on a professional level.
If I get into Judo at 27 could I still become good/decent?
I think so if you're in good shape. You won't make it to the olympics but you'll be able to do well in amateur tournaments.
I got in around that age, and have competed successfully at regional/national levels.
You wont be olympics good, but you can definitely get some comps in.
In bouldering you have to climb only 5-6 meters at a time. You got climbing and bouldering confused
point taken
Thanks King. Any advice?
He who has not thrown axe cannot call himself a man.
>What are some lesser known sports where I can put my strength to use?
Boar spearing.
Wait, that's a man?
Yeah dude, trannys are becoming more and more convincing by the day
>not knowing there are endurance routes in the bouldering gym
Seems so inefficient
Just leave an ied for the fuckers
>Just leave an ied for the fuckers
this. mess with the boar and you get THE TUSKS
they both use the same muscles bitch, none of which are strength
This but covered in oil
>this excited over doing something for the first time
had the camera not been on her(him), would she(he) have reacted this way?
Stupid karen
>had the camera not been on her(him), would she(he) have reacted this way?