What time is he pulling 501?

I don't want to miss it

Attached: Thor2.jpg (400x400, 32.81K)

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Think he's gonna pull it right after he walks up to the bar but I'm not sure

what time

That depends on your relative position, situation, and perspective technically

Give me one time and I'll convert it

When he gets 200k twitch subs

Dollars or pounds? I'll need a base unit too

I think i'll just tune in for the 520, no point in watching the warm up sets desu

He's not pulling 520
stop being cunts and tell me

about three fifty


I'm not a cunt

1 hour after his first warm up set

What time in USA is he pulling it?

eastern standard time if your there

I'll tell you on discord.

What's your username?

Attached: IMG_20200420_071306.jpg (800x800, 95.51K)

Yeah, EST, what time EST is it happening?

About 7 hours after he pulls it in iceland

in due time

Relatively the times will be the same throughout all timezones based on the gregorian calendar, although the event will not occur simultaneously at each of them

shut the fuck up your stupid cunts

Maybe, but you'll need to clarify what you're referring to as "fuck," and where I'm to shut it up if I don't have a vagina

507600 seconds
wait which time zone?

if you mean as in stop speaking, i cant help you with your internal voice you read this in


seconds from what you dumb nigger

I beat Eddie can't do this

May 2nd

That's actually pretty cool. I mean obviously a 600 pound bear is going to be stronger than a 300 lb person, but still neat to see that bear pull a struggling huge man off his griphold by brute force

Hey everyone just ran 100m in 7 secs in my hometown. Can I has sponsorships?

reddit: Game of Reddit actor
4channel: Eddie Hall

when do you think?

I mean, if you HAVE to take sides, then yeah I'd agree. Thor is popular because of American institutional media, but a complete fucking retard and kind of a piece of shit, too.

Eddie is a histrionic, borderline psychopath, but at least he has a few brain cells in his massive skull.

The last time you walked in while I was plowing your mom?


>thor fucking retard and kind of a piece of shit
>Eddie is a histrionic, borderline psychopath
While this is terrible for the sport of strongman, both pale in comparison to Brian "Kike Killing and Tar Baby Terror" Shaw

Heard it was at 3


>The last time you walked in while I was plowing your mom?

Attached: 1577325735385.gif (224x257, 1.39M)

Attached: citation.jpg (600x600, 38.1K)

Doesn't count anyway, whole thing is a farce of the highest order

Attached: 2342377.png (500x546, 637.66K)

just curled 502kg.
Where do I get my record money?

World's Ultimate Strongman. Remember though, you need to videotape it and have a friend with connections approve it

cant help you if you're not willing to look into it. just search the archives for shaw and wheels

Attached: Screenshot_20200421220931.png (1107x2048, 2.14M)