Bought 2 dumbells 50 euros

bought 2 dumbells 50 euros
each one is 16-17kg in pic.
I did good lads

Attached: db.jpg (540x960, 105.48K)

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Yes, now you just need another 170kg of plates, a bar, a rack and bench and you will be set.

>50 euros
>I did good lads
pick one

You're set for some time bro, also if it starts to get too easy, just do unilateral stuff and use the heaviest plates on the same dumbbell

seriously mate, this is a steal with the corona lockdown price gouging
I've seen pairs of adjustable DBs go for twice that on ebay

I train for aesthetics bro

slow controlled reps and you do not need much weight.

Already had a pull up bar as well,now I want to make a dip bar with my dad

Price gouging is about as real as hate speech.
The increased price of equipment is logical consequence of the lack of supply, not ’Price gouging’.

Though they indeed provide a good passive stat bonus, I'd recommend using your equipment slots for something else, e.g. onions potions

What is a good weight dumbell to buy for home workouts? Can someone maintain decent size with 20kg dumbells or is that too light?

Its pretty shity to buy out everything and resell on ebay/Craigslist for 3-5x. Especially since we are in quarantine. Jews will be jews I guess.

I too just got some dumbells, plan is to do curls while i'm sitting in a lobby looking for a match. Gonna do atleast concentration curls, any other good and quick moves i could do with them while looking for a match?

You could do bent over rows and overhead press. Maybe goblet squats. Or combine several movements into one, like thrusters,

Yeah brah you're totally gonna build sick as fuck lats rowing 32 kg and sick pecs pressing 32 kg.

Attached: epic_lulz.jpg (600x582, 68.06K)

>tfw buying babyweight dumbbells etc as soon as they come back into limited stock and flipping them on ebay

Attached: 1543018854800.jpg (334x506, 42.28K)

t.fat powerlifter

>each one is 16-17kg
You can practice your form.
Once you get good your desire will kick in and make you buy heavier weights.


I just bought 2x5kg plates for 7€ each, 14€ for 10kg

And two 10kg plates for LITERAL 5€ each. 20kg for 10€... however not really usable in dumbbells, take so much time

Just admit you have been scam cucked

Attached: 1553911414389.jpg (1080x1350, 176.27K)

take so much space* (THEY ARE SO HUGE)

Attached: 1524280507512.jpg (1080x1080, 110.52K)



I bought mine for 10 fucking euros before corona cunt came, COPE

10 seta of 10 of

64 Kg weighted Pull Ups
64 Kg weighted Dips
64 Kg Bulg Squat

Bet you can do those, ah?

Bruh he said 16 kg per dumbbell

Rolling for this, any spaniards helping will be appreciated

With the price rise due to Corona that's a decent deal, otherwise it's a rip off.
A few years ago I got two 40lb (20kg each) for 40€

Yeah,i am talking about current situtationa and it was amazing deal. Every offer online (still was not in stock) was 2 dumbells and 10kg IN TOTAL,not each dumbell, for 50 euros.

I can get more plates if I want later anyways.Plus the quality is great.

16-17kg isn't enough to make it.

The minimum is 20 but you want to plateau at 25. Most won't go higher than that. If you reach 30 you are already part of the top 5%.

I have only one 18 kg dumbell, it can go to 20 tough , what do you think of my routune ? I have to do it 1 arm atm
12x bicep curl
12x dumbell standing row
12 x shoulder press
12 x hammer curl
15 x Bent over row
10 x tricep extension
12x bicep curl
12 x lateral rises (i do IT with 10kg)
21x push up
25x situps
20 leg raises
20 crunches
32 side plank dips
13x military push up
20x floor press
20 leg raises
1min plank
I repeat this all together 2 Ir 3 Times without rest in between,
I usualy do some more bicep curls and shoulder press after with some(30/20) situps and pushups between lifts and finish with extra min of plank


32 kg Pistol squat
32 Kg Archer pull up
32 Kg Ring RTO Dips

10 sets of 10

Yes I'm sure the guy who's happy about just getting two dumbbells has a whole setup with rings and a dipping belt

OK libertarian kike

A good deal in any western european country