How to become a Chad like this guy?
Step no.1 stop being insecure
Why "=" when you can be ">"?
increase your karma so you can get reincarnated with better genetics
I have a face like that but I have violent introvert tendencies and I literally never leave the house. I order my food and pick it up from the store. The only time I spend more than a few minutes in public is putting gas in my car or a random funeral every couple years or whatever.
am I doomed?
Im a /fit browsing sperg and this is my tinder. Fuck chad
For how long have you been swiping to get all those matches? 1 week?
Step 1: good genes
Is that you in the pic? Cuz that's nowhere close to 'good genes'.
Dude that peak genetic sequencing. Cope
Yes it is. Post face nigger
LMAO, you're delusional. You look like an angry baby with that puffy face. Thin eyebrows, ngmi
>1974 matches
>1659 fatties
Tinder was a waste of time for me. 1 decent lay from it, but she was a complete whore
Girl from tinder was a complete whore... oh no dude
Lift and mew. Everything else is up to genetics.
but every girl on the planet is on tinder what am I supposed to do?
lol fuck you guys. I'm in the top 1 percentile of Yas Forums and you know it
Not any of those anons but what about that is good genes? The only thing that guy has going for him as far as I can tell is decent hair volume, aside from that everything else is mediocre at best. Brown eyes, average jawline, non defined facial features, judging on where he is compared to the chair in the car probably under 6'.
Specifically what makes this person considered good genetics?
post body
Nah, I think alot of girls arent on tinder because the hype has died down, they might still have their account up but you wont match them. Also you have a tinder, why do you get to judge women for having them? Not an sjw btw but seems dumb. Use tinder for fucking and leave your judgements outside, find a girlfriend in your real life
>avg jawline
I don't know how to find a gf dude. Tinder brought me disloyal whores and the one girl from my social circle I'm super into just opened an onlyfans and I want to kys. Why can't there be trad hot women? All the hot women are becoming cyber strippers and I honestly can't handle it
"All the hot women are becoming cyber strippers"
See this is where you go wrong because since you probably spend the majority of your time online where these women exist, you are getting a skewed world view. Kind of like an npc who watches the news 24/7 gets a skewed world perception like all cops are bad etc.
You need to be around more of these "trad, wife" type of women by expanding your irl interactions. Pick up a cooking class, join a hiking group, get into an instrument and look for local jams. I agree that women are becoming more thotty, but i also know plenty and plenty of women who are smart pretty and old fashioned i guess
12 inch arms
You are below average. Trips of nothingness. Chekd
Is this from Yas Forums?
Based post
This is fake.There is no way all those girls in the photo have meme tier names.WHATS WITH THE MEME TIER NAMES WTF ?
r9k + barbells
With that nose you will never be chad
That's bait isn't it