Goodnight user. I love you.
Goodnight user. I love you
faux trad larper women are the worst
To try and avoid ban, here's a fitness tip. Sex is great exercise, and pineapple, while being a healthy fruit option, also makes semen taste better.
bitch are you cutting the WOOD COUNTER
that poor countertop
not like there are two cutting boards within reach
this fucking fake ass tradwife larp. mmm love me some cut up apples with orange slices with my side of spinach and kale. such a great home cooked meal
for me it's trad girls
I hate seeing shit like this, knowing I'll never be in this position and I'll more than likely spend my whole life a virgin and alone. I fucking hate myself so much, why did I have to be born? WHy am I such a fucking aggot that I can't man up a jump off a bridge? Just, why?
I never even looked. Oranges are not peeled too
>tfw no qt retarded gf to make you raw kale and fruit salad topped with olive oil and salt, sprinkled with wood finisher
why even live
>me undies
>ok weve rented the cottage for the next 4 hours
>put on this dress
>no, take your bra off
>ok in this scene youre gunna be cutting healthy food
>here we had debra run to the store and buy some
>ok yeah just cut fruit and act like we arent there
>no, look at the fruit honey
>We can even see your nipples from this angle, this'll sell great
kek, good backstory user
relax bro its a staged photo obvisouly, it's not suppose to look bad
What a poorly-designed kitchen.
Those shelves should:
- Start a little higher so that they don’t get in the way when you also;
- make them like twice as deep so you can store more than one precarious object per width of that object (look at the number of wine glasses)
- have doors and be cabinets, so dust and stuff don’t get on all your bowls while you aren’t using them
Additionally that counter has all kinds of cracks and missing chunks. Keeping it truly clean and preventing infection risk from accumulating would be a real pain.
Good luck spotting little bits of stray food gunk on that dark backdrop.
And what is that, like 2 different seasonings? Slow down, bitch. Move to India and worship cows if you want to get more than one spice involved.
Apples and kale for dinner again, darling?
What are you going to do, just cram it all in the toaster?
>trad gf will be submissive so wont disagree with you on a topic and have long discussions about life late into the night/
>trad gf will not go camping with you
>trad gf will not wrestle with you
>trad gf will not teach your children the importance of independece.
>trad gf will not go shooting with you
>trad gf will sleep with a nog because she doesnt like sex with you, while tomboy will either take charge or tell you to git good
Was going to post the same thing
How is she so perfect brehs
>tfw l had a potential tomboy gf but squandered my chances and now she's in the marines riding a cock carousel
>tfw she was one in a million
>tfw l'll probably never get a chance like that again
>just ruining oranges and dumping them in a jar of water
It's alright user, I lost my tomboy gf too, she was tiny and gorgeous. it hurts but if there is an afterlife I shall be pure and fit for her again.
you can cut on a wooden countertop you retards
you know they make ACTUAL cutting boards out of wood, right? ever wonder why??
you covid posters are the worst, worse than summerfags
I go hand to hand against a Hunter for Becca. Swimsuit becca not that old ass lady in the movies.
I don't want this, lol.
Might aswell put a leash on me it speeds things up
>cutting on a varnished counter
No you can't retard
wooden counter tops are sealed with a toxic epoxy or laquer to prevent fungus from rotting the wood, scratching the surface means water can seep in there and eventually ruin the whole countertop
a live edge countertop is upwards of $20,000 by the way, and that looks like black walnut, so that bit of wood could literally cost as much as a fucking house.
to be fair, those are chacuterie boards and they're fucking impossible to cut on
These words don’t mean shit. My ex wrote me these exact words every night and at the same time she was fucking behind my back. Always judge women by their actions, never by their words
Lol fag, you want your woman to be everything a husband should be, or her to have everything your best guy friend might have. Women should just be women. Either admit your a fag, or you have no real friends, or both