*bites your ballsacks, rips your dick off*
*burts your eyeballs and mutilate your limbs*

whats the purpose of wasting countless hours at the gym if at the end of the day an ape on rage could literally end your life in one of the worst forms possible known for a man in a matter of seconds

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I live in Vegas, not rural Zaire.

to look good

>pins down chinp nigger and does it first.
What now ip?

>rapes faggot monkey lover (op), then rapes op’s twinks monkeys
>I do all of this while having one hand tied to my back

who the fuck lifts for functional strength

I really believe we should kill these things. Think about it, there’s one of two possible outcomes for the future:
1.) We advance and evolve to the point that we don’t even need earth, the chimps evolve to as smart as pre electronic technology humans were/maybe early and simple tech from shit left over by humans. Humans are considered gods, almost mythical by the apes. Only real evidence is skeletons and pictures.
>chimps catch up enough to start competing with us, At first negative conflict is nearly nonexistent but as we integrate shit hits the fan. Planet of the apes. We literally cannot do shit against them if they get guns. They’re stronger rand at that point equally armed. Humans die out, chimps take over, then the other apes catch up and integrate. Few if any humans continue to live, roles are reversed and now we hide in abandoned cities and buildings in groupings of 50-100 or so. The other apes live in societies made up of overgrown/regrown jungle and forest.

Yeah I hate them too, but for different reasons. Their uncanny resemblance to us make me want to kill them

dude apes are like 0.0000001% of human population calm down its been million years and they didnt discover fire yet

>fails to understand evolution

Man I would just love to chain one to a wall and beat it with a hammer
Yeah but that’s literally all they need. You need a single chimp to discover fire, or some zoo gook to teach one how to utilize it (they have done this, and it passed the knowledge down to its kids) and then release it. Have it get accepted into a wild pack of chimps, they all learn about fire and over the next few generations new uses are found for it yada yada fuck chimps were better off killing them.
>gets his face and balls eaten by a chimp

Their strength requires calories. Lots and lots. Ironically, extracting energy is a very energy consuming activity. Between burning energy to extract energy and feeding that strong as fuck body, they simply cannot develop nearly the brain power we have. When our homonid ancestors mastered fire, they were able to accomplish a lot of the energy intensive work of digestion outside their bodies via cooking. This access to easily extracted calories is what got us our big melons, and we STILL had to sacrifice strength. If some distant descendant of chimps gets anywhere near human intelligence, they'll have to make the same sacrifice.

Holy shit, you're right!
>Jaimie, pull that shit up

Yeah that’s what I was getting at here . When/if they ever learn to use fire they will evolve, relatively fast. I honestly believe they will become a people, but an ultra violent one. We do NOT want to have that to compete with

*adjusts mic*
Man you see these fucking chimps? They create war parties and fuck each other up. I saw this one video of a gang of them jacking this other chimp, literally tearing its face off and then an eagle flies in
Jamie, can you pull that up?
Man, look at that... you know a plant's roots are arranged the same way neurons are in your brain? I'm not saying we shouldn't eat plants but maybe we should leave the fucking carrots alone, that's pure gray matter.

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>anyway...yeah Jamie pull that up again
>°inhales deeply°
>look how big their balls are compared to their dicks
>Jamie, pull up chimp dicks
>I mean, how does that even happen
>they'll kill you though
>°leans into mic°
>this is the shit you don't think about

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People are working around the clock to try to get chimps to evolve, it’s just not gonna happen

but more humans have killed chimps than vice versa so what is your point?

>implying chimps aren't already peak evolution
look at those gains dude

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chimps will never catch up, unless a human uplifts their intelligence through gene splicing, it will never happen as a result of innovation

I honestly believe they will become a people, but an ultra violent one. We do NOT want to have that to compete with

we already have niggers to deal with, what's the difference

>the difference
the difference is that chimps eat niggers for breakfast, so if they learn how to use AK47's we're in for a helluva war.

Also to your point, even if they could evolve to the point where they could hardness fire and utilize weapons, we would still be much smarter than them and have much more firepower (see fighter jets, drones, hmmwv, etc). We would tactically be so much better and they already have a much smaller population.

>next few generations
Try more like 75-150 thousand years. It's been twelve thousand years since the agricultural revolution, and we STILL haven't adjusted to it.

They would be like niggers but level 2

>get on top of the chimp
>punch it to death
Nothing a chimp could do about that.
alternatively you:
>kick it to death

caution do not watch

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You dumb motherfuckers have such a narrow view of the militaristic capability of chimps. While yes they outmatch humans greatly in sheer physical strength, their fine motor skills will never become as fine as ours. And their lack of technology will be their downfall, since they won't have any defense against massive air attacks from human bombing planes, naval bombardment from human naval ships, and especially biological and chemical weapons. They will never be able to fly a plane, or organize in groups larger than a platoon, or have stable agriculture, fuel routes, food routes, resources, architecture, whatever

im laighing my ass off imagining apes on flying planes

fuck chimps , they can kiss my ass. Chimps are nothing but clowns.

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Go away chimp internet defence force