ITT: Lifting Albums


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for me it's merciful fate

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You know you like this album bro’s don’t lie

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T.I vs TIP

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The use of brass instruments really brings it home for me

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>Not Shogun
Crusade was meh-tier. Literally my favorite band and I skip Crusade every time

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The choral climax of End of an Empire is god tier while running.

God damn 2006 tier. Remember meeting these cats when they were 18 right before Ascendancy came out. Nice dudes. Not really into metalcore, but they were better than the rest.

God tier prog. Never thought to lift to it. I will try it tomorrow.

My man. 10/10.

My recent listens are:
Strapping Young Lad - Alien
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Origin - Antithesis
Big Brother and the Holding Company - Cheap Thrills

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find a flaw

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goes hard

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Literally only one good song.

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fucking nice selection

Too gay.
I can't imagine more disgusting music than hip-hop.

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Ascendancy is great for lifting, got me though weight training in high school

Wish they would release another album already

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Still their best album. Niggas on the Moon is second.

Crusade was low, low quality. Garbage bitchy lyrics. Acceptable riffage. Poor production.

How has their newest fucking M A S T E R P I E C E What the Dead Men Say not been posted here yet with this prompting?!

It's above Shogun for me. Flawless from top to bottom. Fucking banger, been working out to it every single day since it leaked on the 20th

I like to have an existential crisis during my cardio

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I find myself skipping Vengeance more than Crusade. Been listening to What Dead Men Say last couple workouts, it's pretty fuckin solid

Both those albums have 3 or 4 good tracks