/Cardio/ Genaral - When will the pain end edition
What are you niggas working on?
/Cardio/ Genaral - When will the pain end edition
What are you niggas working on?
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it'd be such a wild prank if she sat on your face and blasted huge fucking farts as a complete prank haha
Look at his chest, bro
haha imagine if she slipped on the ice and her butt landed on your face. that would be so wierd haha
Daily reminder cardio is pointless
Chinks all look the same and have no tits.
Imagine if she took a huge dump on your face as a prank that'd be funny.
working on mile time, just got under 12 minutes for the first time ever. feels pretty great
heartlet cope
>Daily r-reminder... *cough* that cardio is... is p-pointless *wheeze*
It’s not even cardiolet cope, it’s lazy faggot who feels justified in not doing it because he read some broscientist fag on bodybuilding.com say “cardio kills gains don’t do it”. It’s just laziness.
12 minutes for a mile? Congrats bro you must be pretty large though what did you start at?
not large just a dyel. I've never seriously done cardio outside skateboarding or worked out really, only started about a month ago. my leg muscles or lack thereof are my main hindrance so far. l'm gonna make it though, and you will too
Interesting i've never really heard of that, are you sure you're not just tracking your distance wrong? Anyway best of luck
I use the mappedometer site but l'm not sure how accurate it is. l was never a runner so my calves and knees are taking a beating while l get used to not being a lazy sack of shit kek. just making sure l dont go too hard all at once and fuck my joints
Hey runners, what's a good way to train my gait? I think im gonna mild knee pain from a non-optimized gait and wondering how to fix it
check this video out user, it helped me
Based haha poster
Idk man I think that would probably smell kinda bad.
thank you!
I've been jumping rope for the past few weeks and it has been incredibly based. Calf gains, cardio gains, and coordination/footwork gains all at the same time
Is Maffetone a meme?
Anyone I can find taking about MAF training is either an advanced runner that had to slow down to like a 11 minute mile to stay at MAF HR, or old people that kept getting injured until switching to Maffetone.
Will it actually help build a beginner like me build an aerobic base quickly? I dount my progress will be as fast as the advanced runners because I think there is some catching up effect in favor of them, and I don't want to have slow progress like the beginner old dudes that got like 30 seconds faster per mile at MAF HR within 6 months.
can i get a qrd? tried looking at the site but it's a clusterfuck
Will jogging regularly result in calf growth?
I have thin calves and I want to buff them up.
Currently jog once in two days 5-7 km, easy pace
Basically running at a heart rate 180 minus your age.
Since anything above a 5k is over 90% aerobic activity you need to train your aerobic zone and that's the formula he goes with. Even advanced runners need to slow down to like 11 minutes per mile when they make the switch but catch up to 6-7 minute miles within months. However the others I've seen with beginner runners was much slower and I'm not sure if it's worth it.
>lift for years to get cute gf
>finally get into bed with her for first time
>puffed after 30 seconds
cucking yourself
Jfc I wanna sniff her ass and her braps.
same 12 minute user from earlier, pushed and got another 15 seconds off and l feel amazing! crazy how good a pumping heart makes you feel. anyways l dont have friends so figured l share with you guys. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
cool story bro
thanks user
I think I've been running too frequently, my right calf is starting to feel a bit tender when I run. I don't really stretch/warmup or down I just start with an easy km before starting my runs
Based and hahapilled
this guy does it, so should you