Dear /fit, help me KETO

SWM 39 ameri-fat
diabetes sucks
i have done low carb and even dirty keto in the past each time losing 30 lbs in 30 days.
this time i want to do it right and actual stick to it. i am making changes. i have quit smoking and vaping, took up martial arts training as my exercise, in the middle of a career change (trucker to programmer).

i have watched some athleanx vids and thomas delauer, and some "" - don't want to spend $60 on a shopping list, but maybe if it's actually worth it?

what are /fit's best resources to start KETO from absolute nothing? any of these plans worth the money?

TMI: tonight was my last shit-food night. final indulgence was popeye's strips with mashed potatoes & gravy. i'll be fasting tomorrow through work hours and plan to hit the grocery store in the evening, if i have a decent plan.

one thing i do have on hand is king oscar mackerel in olive oil. supposedly 2nd best omega 3:omega 6 ratio of all non-toxic fish. alaskan sockeye salmon claimed #1.

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Just eat meat, go oure carnivore, survive through the diarrhea stage and you'll be golden.

nice kek, bro. but i'm am really serious. too much protein actually fucks up the keto plan

Here you go. Please fucking follow the protocol.

No it doesn't, protein in the absence of carbs triggers glucagon much more. Go listen to some Ben Bickman talks about protein

thanks, m8. looking into this one now.

still curious what other tools, yall are using

visit us over at /fast, we can provide info on keto and its variants.

just eat 1500 calories daily of nutritious stuff like beans, lentils, eggs, seafood, vegetables. keto is a retard diet

>keto is a retard diet
well the opposite is insane.
sugar has been the bane of my life.

Drink only water, eat lots of meat eggs and fish. Thats all you have to do.

you dont have to do keto to not eat sugar. the reason you fail your meme diet each time is cause you lack the willpower. just count your calories so every time you do a cheat meal you can see that you just ate 4000 calories in one sitting

dont eat

Just eat less. You should be going to bed hungry every day until you are no longer a fat ass.

>don't want to spend $60 on a shopping list, but maybe if it's actually worth it?
>TMI: tonight was my last shit-food night. final indulgence was popeye's strips with mashed potatoes & gravy. i'll be fasting tomorrow through work hours and plan to hit the grocery store in the evening, if i have a decent plan
Look into fasting longer term, you can combine it with keto if you want and you'll spend a lot less on grocery shopping. Never pay for plans unless you're getting one-on-one coaching and that's something you need to stay motivated.

Ive been carnivore for 5 years. My ketone levels are consistently 0.5-1.5, even after eating 5lbs of meat in one sitting.

Gluconeogenesis is a demand driven process.

post heart

CAC score from last year is 0, was 500 six years ago.

Okay my first post was memeing but seriously? That's pretty impressive, I heard that CAC score basically only ever goes up, and rarely goes down. My dad has a CAC of about 600 so I might get him on the meat

How much meat do you eat every day, to reach your tdee? Post one day of your diet as an example, please.

The "I'll have one last meal" is a bad mentality that you need to drop now if you want to succeed. It was a bad start, but that's okay, learn from it. You do not need to indulge yourself to find comfort, and you don't need to reward yourself for your progress. Your results are your comfort and reward. The most effective way to make lifestyle changes is in the moment all the time. It teaches self control. Don't think to yourself how you'll go to the gym tomorrow. Get on the ground and do some push-ups now. Don't think, "I'll get back on my diet after this meal." Throw it in the trash. I've had many moments where I've put dessert back in the fridge immediately after placing it on my plate because I decided that my long term goals were more important than my momentary lapse in judgement. If you find yourself slipping, don't just accept it and say you'll fix it later. Stop in your tracks and immediately correct yourself. Remember, all these sodas, fast food, and sweets are not pleasures; they're vices holding you back from what will truly satisfy you. You don't need them. Most of history never had them. If it hits your mouth, spit that new age garbage into the trash.

Get a dietician to come up with a plan for you, they won’t meet you in person because of the Rona, but most offices will have a video conference system set up to meet with you

My old man has had two heart attacks, his score was at 700, and it's down under 200 in just two years. Of course, according to our cardiologist we're going to certainly have more heart attacks because "meat"

As for your dad, get him on it now. I'm not a big believer in "muh grassfed vs evil grain-finished"... but cattle raised on exclusively grass with no grain finishing have higher k2 levels which is helpful in calcium sequestration, keeping it out of the arteries. It may be worth it to start out with.

Today my chickens had 8 eggs for me this morning so I ate 8 hard fried eggs for breakfast along with 3 1/3lb 80/20ground beef patties. For dinner I finished off the last pound or so of last night's pot roast and two 1/4lb frozen hamburger patties. Because that didn't fill me up.

also gotta say.

The reason it never "goes doen" is because it is never treated appropriately. There is literature and cases of vegetarians and vegan diet impacting it.

The typical treatment is to prescribe statins and blood pressure medication and even thinners. But these do not treat the root cause which is glycosylated lipoproteins. LDL has a protein identifier on it which allows the liver to take it back up. Without this identifier it DOES NOT get taken back up and recycled. Glycolylation of this apo-b100 protein makes it malformed and unidentifiable to the liver.

This glycation only happens because of chronically elevated, or perpetually spiked glucose levels and hyperinsulinemia. You show me anyone with a non-zero CAC score and I gauran-fucking-tee you that their fasting insulin is 10+

So, however your dad can control glucose/insulin he should. Whether its carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, or fasting he needs to have started yesterday.

If you want to stick to it, don't do keto. It's a restricive diet and you'll end up falling off of it. Just eat a healthy variety of food, when you crave a cookie or some other fat shit that got you this way just eat one cookie instead of the entire box and maintain a calorie deficit. Pretty fucking simple.

thats like telling an alcohol to just have one beer dude, some of us are carb addicts

Protein has a better thermogenic effect than fat and is able to convert into glucose. Fat isn't as necessary as ketards will have you believe, so if I were to do weight loss on zero-carb, I'd do heavy amounts of protein. I'd dodge any and all fat that wasn't highly saturated to keep heat production and beneficial hormones up. That means no nuts, no nut butters, no vegetable oils, no olive oil, no pork fat, no poultry fat, no fatty fish(herring and salmon comes to mind), no cod liver oil.

Butter, cheese, coconut oil, milk(if you're fine with some carbs), organ meats shrimp, shellfish are all good sources of calories. Casein and collagen protein powders are fine to add in just to get more protein. Muscle meat is honestly trash food and should be avoided.

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All diets are restrictive by nature, the one that you're able to stick to is the one that works. For some people that's counting calories, for others it's restricting food groups, for others it's fasting, for others it's a mixture. All of them can work, it's not like anything but surgery is shown to have a high long term success rate

>Muscle meat
Is nutritionally complete.

No. Especially not the muscle meat that you purchase that's not freshly slaughtered. Unbeknownst to most, muscle meat is hung for a month in a cold storage facility to drain it of its glycogen, removing any sweetness and vitamin C the meat may have had. That, combined with its heavily unbalanced and tryptophan-favored amino acid profile, make it a shit food. Not to mention its high phosphate to calcium ratio, forcing your body to leech calcium from your bones.

I can go more in-depth on this if you wish, but for now I've got work to do.

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>the average Yas Forums poster

Care to post body? I’m genuinely curious.