How do i get a body like this?

How do i get a body like this?

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get cucked x f

beware the bbc posters. I hope they all die.

You want to cut your arm off?

Get a skinny black tomboy gf

Lose an arm

Get raped

shes MENA


such detail

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How does someone maintain this muscle mass in the middle ages?Unless guts is fed routinely.

he's a captain in a highly successful and famous mercenary company, he can probably eat as well as most nobles.
But also it's fiction

Well he had have a good body before joining the Hawks irl it seems like any person that looks like op pic is roided pic related

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Casca's not black she's a mudblood italian

have your friend fuck your wife and become the demon overlord.
Once that happens, fight with demons non stop and you will reach your goal body.

ok goyim

In the medieval times there was no chemicals in the water so the average mans t-level was equivalent to a modern man on roids

Aren’t those the same that turn the frogs gay?

OP's question is actually interesting, I want to see a serious answer

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he does literally nothing but eat, sleep, and kill things

How do I get a body like this?

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Being this paranoid

>be born to mom that hates you
>rape a woman that will bear you strong son that you won't even see to grow to adulthood

I can smell the cope from here
the day I start considering southern euroturds and menas white is the day pigs grow wings.


Lads honestly, the only thing that's certain about Casca is that she's got some amount of Kushan ancestry. Which could be anything from north African, to Persian, to Indian, or something Indochinese like Viet or Cambodian.

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lets be honest she wouldn't find any of you desperate incels attractive
me included.

Eat, lift, roid, starve, repeat.

Bros how do I achieve Hanma-mode?

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Ain't that the truth.
