Fitness genetics

How much of physique is genetics vs. exercise? Black men seem to be naturally muscular, lean, and bigger in every way

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I'm a poz bottom for BBC btw, not sure if that is relevant

most niggers won physical genetics lottery

also black/brown skin better underlines the muscles and hide some defects.

also trans btw, not sure if it matters

>They only look bigger

The cope is real. Black people dominate every sport they play

It's mostly skin tone+smaller frames that makes black guys look more buff than white guys
Also we're all naturally kind of racist, which makes us perceive black guys as threats, which ofc our in our mind makes them seems bigger and tougher

>Running and basketball
>all sports
Kys kike

Black people have a higher proportion of fast twitch muscles, which gives them an edge up in all agility based sports.
You'll notice there are few black guys who wrestle or powerlift though because of the lower proportion of slow twitch muscles

Lol no. There is no money or prestige in wrestling and powerlifting, Black men would rather make millions in the NFL and NBA

It's because they were bred to be beast of burden.
just look at actual Africans they look nothing like blacks.
It's just a fact of breeding. We've seen it in multiple breeding examples, of humans. To be stronger, to be taller, or even to be short for our entertainment.
human selective is something that's happened a lot throughout history.
also whites have more subcutaneous fat for the cold and more hair.
those things cover muscles.
also black people are poor and can't afford food and will be naturally leaner.
also they are always dark, while lighter skinned people need to tan.
so do blacks, a very small minority of people on earth that essentially don't appear anywhere in nature, have better genetics in their favor for looking good? yes.
so yes genetics is important.

whites dominate
those are all the sports that matter, no one cares that you play basketball
good on them for being good runners though
blacks are shorter on average than whites

Damn, white men got cucked hard by their lazy ancestors

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many blacks tried to lift and wrestle but they couldn't even make it pro because amateur whites would dominate them
face reality, blacks are good at running and throwing and whites are good at lifting and fighting

The MMA goat is Black, just about every boxing GOAT is Black

because they have more endurance and strength than the average human, as well as better physical mechanics such as levers. except for usually weight lifting and strong man.
they are like that because that's how we bred them.
as well as being more naturally adept at running because persistence hunting would have still been used for a while in africa because they lacked sophisticated tools.
what does that have to do with the OP?
>matter don't matter
why is this conversation getting out of hand?
yes you are right and it's because of genetics like you explained.
those anons are retards.
probably has to do with eyes, less diminished eye genetics.
how many blacks do you know wear glasses?

You mean Fedor? He's white not black. Tyson Fury just beat the shit out of a blackey as well and he's a Gypsy. Umm wrong on both counts.

Thats crazy, I never realized how few Black people I know that wear glasses

Black men have longer limbs (especially penises) which would out them at a disadvantage in straight powerlifting. Still naturally much stronger

I don't see what my post had to do with cucking?
after blacks were given freedom they got to keep the genetic editing we gave them.
also you're incorrect blacks are novel not ancestral.
they aren't ancestors, really even the modern africans aren't.
that's like saying a poodle is the ancestor of a grey wolf.

Tyson Fury, the one in a billion white man, beat some average Black guy that started boxing in his 20s LOL. What other top 10 wins does Fury have other than Wilder and Klitschko?

Jon Jones is Black btw

this, there's also a much lower proportion of black men in strongmen. Mark Felix breaks the grip world records just because he has massive hands

also, I think Larry wheels is half white

usually it's just very inbred people who wear them.
some modernized africans who were inbred
lots of europeans
every jew

Don't start moving the goalpost, before the Tyson fight everyone said Wilder was the greatest in the game and a monster and gonna knock Tysons block off.

>Jon Jones
hahahahahah goat at what? Running away from a hit and run or failing drug tests?

Because there is no money or prestige in weightlifting and strongman.

Would you rather be a world famous, millionaire NFL player that could fuck any girl he wants or some bloated weightlifter that no one cares about and gets laughed at everywhere he goes?

Yet another Chang thread posting the same pic full of manlets (tallest guy on pic is 6'3" )
Back to aznmasculinity with you, blacks are weaker and shorter irl

No one has ever said Wilder was the greatest. Definitely the most exciting fighter, but Fury is the great wh*te hope so wh*te people worship him

Nigs are fatter on image to zoom&p=PMC3&id=2571048_zdc0110872190001.jpg

fury isn't fucking white
they dude is called the gypsy king
also irish people aren't even human let alone white.

The thought of Black men having bigger penises keeps the white man up at night

White people killed all the weak niggers during slavery. They are all descended from those who could survive a gruelling physical life.

Jon Jones is not the MMA goat


>literally dominated by every foreign continent, china now coming in for colonisation part 2

It's because blacks in the West are maligned and host to incredible socioeconomic disparities (white median income is DOUBLE blacks in America, which is insane). Take the wealth away and none of this weird fetishisation happens, see Brazil, where whites are considered tougher, more masculine, and generally dominate all aspects of physicality.

Also these guys in OP have been using LOTS of steroids since they were 12. There are only 2000ish positions to fill in all the NFL and NBA. There are 50 million blacks in America. They have nothing to lose.

It's a tragedy really, that no-one here seems to recognise. Though not half as tragic as the fate of the native american peoples


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not relevant to the thread.

Based and BBCpilled

No, you are biologically wrong
By threat i mean more along the lines of evolutionary in group out group thinking
They're others, thus they're a threat