Stop watching porn and masturbating to increase your testosterone

Quitting porn and masturbating will lower your prolactin and increase your testosterone, giving you more confidence and health. This isn't bro-science. Also, porn addiction causes you to become impotent, so this is serious shit.

First watch this TED talk, then read through all of these testimonies, and then check out the subreddit. Do it now faggots

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Other urls found in this thread:


As somebody who supports the idea of nofap, /r/nofap is a cesspool you should avoid. 10% of it is good advice, but 90% is just addicts who won't actually commit to quitting enabling eachothers' half-assed, doomed attempts. Their focus on perfect streaks is also incredibly counterproductive.


i lol'd at whats on his screen

someone link easy-peasy method please

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>fapped to loli for the first time in years
its true what they say about porn addicition. your tastes get more deviant. i didnt even like traps when i had a gf. i only fapped to girls that looked like her. now im back to fapping to futa, traps and lolis.
ive realised that I only fap out of habit now. i usually fap before i shower, which has resulted in me showering twice a day. otherwise i dont bother. which is weird, because when i had a gf my sex drive was huge.

I watched porn yesterday and this morning but it’s ok because I think things are getting better. Porn is an addiction.

I got you my nigga


Lol porn is ok in moderation. If all you're doing is tugging your tiger everyday to porn, you're bound to be depressed and lethargic. Gotta have goals and all dat my guy.

What if im a woman

same tho. After my gf I went right back to watching traps getting rimmed and shitting themselves courtesy of Chinzurena. Fuck that guy draws some good shit.

same thing, retard foomer.

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Jilling jiller
You're a spiller
Of your body's lube.

You piddle paddle
And ride and straddle
With your pink canoe.

You shouldn't jerk,
You shouldn't jill,
All you know is COOM.

Fatty fapper,
What are you after
Trousers down at home?

You beat your meat
Until you complete
A load thanks to your phone.

You shouldn't jill,
You shouldn't jerk,
Or you'll end up alone.


The fucking coomer wojak always makes me laugh

Okey here it comes.
First and foremost, never forget that porn is a weapon of the enemy. Porn is deliberately used to tranquilize you, rid the society of family values and normalize degeneracy. Porn is a jewish weapon.
2. Understand that youre going against years and years of momentum. It will take a lot of time to get healthy again.
3. Porn corrupts you physically. It literally makes you dumber, slower and fries up your dopamine receptors.
4. Porn violates your soul. Can you imagine a saint cooming?
5. Understand that just a tiny fraction of people are capable of getting rid of the illness that is porn addiction. Even in threads like these, the people claiming they have quit watching it, theyre most likely lying. That means that YOU can become unique. All you have to do is not watch porn today.
6. This is only possible with the help of God. If you dont turn to Him, you wont be successful. You need His grace as He is the one keeping you alive.
7. Think of 13 year old you. Think of all the joy and aspirations you had. Think of all the potential. Think of how innocent you were. (((They))) took it from you.

wtf this is an entire book

hentai doesnt count as porn so Im fine

you should jerk off once a week otherwise you go impotent just dont watch any porn

>13 year old you
I was already five years deep into it at that point.
Also quitting porn is easy. I quit yesterday. I quit this morning. I am going to quit now and probably again before bed.
Jokes aside. I am about to finish the easy peasy hackbook I have like 20% left.
I hope that it helps but with every other page the doubt is growing.
What do bros?

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>you should avoid plebbit
no shit, please fuck off from my board.

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please shut the fuck up

See 6)
Refute a single point, Goldberg

>only possible with the help of God
Nigger I quit porn for good 3 years ago on a whim, you don't need God to quit staring at a screen while beating your meat. Finding faith is a wonderful thing but it's not requirement for something as simple as stopping watching porn.

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>tfw masturbated like 8 times yesterday due to OCDesque compulsion (I wasn't even horny)

Day 1 it is

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I've been doing noporn on and off for the last few weeks and it's amazing. It's really intense and you don't get a feeling of guilt afterwards. As a bonus, you also get rid of degenerate thoughts (like shemales). I highly recommend it frens.

A girl im seeing gave me a blow job yesterday. Until then, I was on a two week streak. Did I lose bros? Serious question.

>Gets a blowjob
>Did I lose bros?
The absolute state of Yas Forums
How the fuck are we supposed to know if you won or lost, when we don't know what's your goal?
Is it to Quit port?
Then no
Is it to Quit ejaculation?
Then yes you lost.

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>TED talk