Last ones at bump limit

Im putting together a home gym for the quarantine, don’t really know anything about what’s quality and what’s not. I was looking at this set but it seems too cheap to be any good: yorkbarbell.com/product/2-cast-iron-olympic-plate-set/?attribute_weight=300 lb
Am I being duped Yas Forums?

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If i wanted to do a cocaine diet, what should my doses be?

Should i want to be sore after a workout, it means the workout was good right?

3x20 push-ups
3x20 bodyweight squats
3x20 crunches
3x20 russian twists
3x20 back extensions

What muscle groups am i NOT hitting with this, aside from calves?

any advantage to using an ez-curl bar over a straight bar for strict curls if my wrist flexibility is sufficient for straight bar?

like half the body, just look up a real cali program, there's a million of them

unrelated, but have you considered doing barbell curls against a wall? removes the ability to use shoulder momentum

yeah I did them against a wall today, but with the strict curl you're still allowed to flex shoulders and traps, just need to avoid using trunk momentum


Yes, the advantage is less ROM and less muscles work. Don't ez curl anything

I’m cutting pretty hard and exercising 6x/week. I have not shit in 3 days...not from constipation but I think because of literal lack of waste. Is this bad?

doesn't matter, stop giving a shit

How many scoops do you take per day?

Attached: 19828021-a-scoop-of-chocolate-whey-protein-powder-isolated-on-white-background.jpg (1300x1300, 131.41K)

what exactly happens if you lift and microtear the shit out of your muscles but don't consume enough protein? Do they remain torn and not get repaired? Do they repair but not increase in size? Do they break down necessary nutrients in other parts of your body and repair (i mean this sounds nutty, so im asking).

What exactly happens?

>stalling on 45lb dumbbell curls
>45lb is the highest my dumbbells go up to
>have a olympic bar, but it feels awkward to do curls with it, more of a forearm exercise
how do i progress with working out my bicep?

weighted pullups?

an exercise that is not an isolation move. pullups are not a good example, but chins are. plenty of other selections to choose from as well

Weighted vests any good? I was going to buy a 40 lb. one for calisthenics and long distance running. I heard they fuck your joints up though

Attached: weighted_vest_1.jpg (425x538, 26.63K)

running fucks up your joints, and thus must be performed in moderation. a weighted vest will only exacerbate the already existing issue. the weighted vest is useful, but find better conditioning exercises to do.

Whats the difference between these two in weight and bf%, given equal height?

Attached: Untitled - 7.jpg (800x375, 48.48K)

5'5", 24, 148.8lbs almost at 1/2/3/4

is it too late to ever achieve 2/3/4/5 in my lifetime

I bought a similar kit a year ago and I want to replace it now, as 300 lbs is not that much weight, and the knurling sucks. if you are a poorfag that is a good way to get cheap weight though, just weigh the plates yourself so you know if any are way off. you can always upgrade a barbell later. the elite fts power bar is the best bang for the buck bar I've seen, it's 300 bux for full stainless (close to 400 for the more popular Ohio power bar in similar configuration)

The program I've been following tells me to do 3 sets of 'maximum effort' pushups 5 days a week. Does that mean I'm doing AMRAP or does it just mean do a set number with maximum effort/form?

Does anyone else get intense ringing in their ears after running?

See a doctor if it doesn't improve. I've known bodybuilders who, during their last phase of serious cutting and training, end up with a 'lazy colon' that stops processing your waste through enough. Something about your body being in shock or something, idk. Unless you're eating a very little amount I would see a doctor if it doesn't improve in the next week or so.

You're missing heaps of shit user
Add pullups

No user.
Are you listening to music?

Yes but I don't use headphones since I have a home treadmill. It doesn't really seem to matter what volume I put it at though

Im a complete beginner and I feel squats in my hip flexors more than any other muscle in my body. What the fuck am I doing wrong

What type of squats are you doing. Try mixing it up. Get a dumbbell and do goblet squats.

Should I eat before I start doing weight lifting and cardio? After I finish lifting weights I go hiking for 5-7 miles but I'm hungry as fuck during the hike. I always take multi vitamin and electrolytes tho before I start hiking.

Is red wine actually healthy for you or is this just a shitty meme

Mix it up a bit. Instead of just regular push ups, diamond and wide.
For abs, try doing variations of bird dogs, planks, and lying leg raise variations
Add some mountain climbers, calf raises, lunges, and do shoulder presses with something

i can only do 3 chinups, after weeks of training chinups, i mean at first I couldn't even do 1, how can i improve chinups, yes im losing fat with diet as well and some bicep, tricep exercises with 20lb dumbells, thank you.

8 but on its side# of scoops.
Just like that mad cunt rich piano said.