Somebody offers you $3500 to finish everything on this tray in 30 minutes. Could/would you do it?
Burger Breakfast
This is now a threat about the anime Hunter x Hunter
With pleasure, but there isn't McDonald's in my country
Too bad the manga will never get a new chapter.
I COULD but the actual hard part would be 1.) macdickholes is disgusting and fake food 2.) is have to willingly eat mcdonalds fake food.
I’d actually probably throw up. Counteroffer: double the amount of food but all the food is homemade And instead of coke I drink orange juice
I see something that isn't meat or cheese on those burgers. I'll pass.
Easy. I'm neither a woman nor European.
No, the hardest part would be consuming the plastic drinking cups and cardboard fry holders.
From Chimera ants forward went to shit
I wouldn't be able to
nah, too much soda. otherwise, 30 minutes is a bit fast but I think I could pull it off
For 3500 yeah normally no.
I actually like the new arc in the manga.
But remember all the nutrients are in the cardboard
I don't think my stomach could handle the sheer amount of volume there
Those burgers are like the size of my palm. Are you a woman?
i could and i would
I could eat that right now and I just had dinner. Fucking greedlets.
Lol, even more reason to home cook everything. Fries plastic is better than normal baked
Never change
I don't like coke at all, but that could be done in 15 or less if I tried.
I would wish for death afterwards, but I feel confident I could do it
if allowed to use a blender, yes
>5000+ calories
>15 min or less
No you couldn't.
Matt Stonie did it in 9 minutes. I'm confident that I could do it in 30.
>world's best competitive eater can finish it in 9 min
>logically, i could finish it too in 30 min
only problem is the drinks desu, that's a lot of volume
In an hour, sure, but 30minutes? Nah, I'd try but end up hurting myself or choking.
Can I puke and then keep eating? Or do I have to keep it down?
This is baby shit
Are you shitposting or would people have actually difficulty with this beyond the fact that it’s fucking McDonald’s
That's what I was thinking. The food is easy but I drink soda ever so that would probably cause me to vomit.
I could finish it in 10 mins
What a faggot.
I understand what you’re saying but he’s right, 30 minutes is plenty to finish that much food. You wouldn’t even have to struggle or rush
double cringe
Fuck bro, I'd do it just for the free food
this was posted before but it was 2 hours and was fucking easily done
making it 30 minutes at least makes it a small challenge, but still quite doable if you really want the money
Is this what McDonald's looks like in burgerland? Brit here and I'm dazzled by how crispy those nuggets and fries look, how juicy the parties are and how the cheese is oozing, looks fucking 1000x better than ours