Can we not post the same 10 images this time?
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/fph/ - Fat People Hate
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FUCKING RAGING RIGHT NOW. I work my ass off making $12k/year. My father who is a fucking great doctor is making $17K/year. I fucking hate being a 3rd world country nigger manlet REEEEEEE
This guy could have had any of these four beautiful women, the first is a fat qt, but no, he goes for "real" pussy like some kind of nazi who refuses to accept biology is a social construct.
this is just a BBW softcore porn thread. Why can't you retards just go to Yas Forums or /gif/ or whatever no one wants your disgusting subhuman fetish here
>12k/year working ass off
>17k/year working ass off
Bro, come to the usa and work as an uber driver. You will make closer to fuckin 40k/year
holy shit this guy is based
This dude made a dating simulator game that was stupid, so a youtuber made a video making fun of it.
So he made another one, and asked the youtuber to make another video, offering to donate money to charity if he would.
Guy seems like a bit of a dork, but cool.
Better to be a dork than a nerd. I fuckin hate nerds so much.
lol the milk truck crashed and this thing escaped. God bless us all.
>Can we not post the same 10 images this time?
>opens with an image thats in every other fph
Why does she look like she's shitting?
No wonder fat chicks think they're beautiful, if those freaks are "women" too in current age.
Good movie
When will having morbidly obese kids be seen as child abuse?
Wow she's smoking hot, who is this girl?
where's the hate?
Fuck off we have enough niggers from every corner of the globe.
Stay where you are and make it better you fucking asshole
they want to use the mobility scooters since they've just discovered the wheel
I live in the same place as these people. Makes sense I guess, lots of rough and deprived areas.
is it not normal to be attracted to this????
Beats me.