Feels bar is open user, take a seat

feels bar is open user, take a seat

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Work. School. Family. Fixing up the house.
I do what I can to make time for fitness.
I just feel like I'm just above water with my fitness. Off of medications.

But I know one day I'll make it.
A single step from me is bit a mile for an insect.

Everything I've tried to get up on my feet and be independent has failed due to my own incompetencies, or just bad luck. I'm just hoping it works out this time.

I'm in love with my buddy's girlfriend. We are three friends for over 8 years. They are in love and I feel terrible. She once told me she didn't view me as a sexual being. I laughed but something broke in me. I never had luck with girls. When I was a kid and I watched a movie where a cliché dork geek character appeared, I always had an atrocious feeling that it would be me one day. I don't kill myself because can't even purchase a gun in my cucked country, the firearms are too pricey, and because I want to see what comes next.
I feel like I was made to spectate life, not to experience it.

also does anyone knows from which manga is pic related from ? thanks

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Double of Jameson and ice.
Depression never leaves, does it? Doesn't matter if you exercise, eat right, work, whatever, if you have depression, you have it for life.

Fuck, I'm sorry I didnt even order. Just give me the whole bottle of Jose Cuervo and some ice.

pic is from chainsaw man. pretty good

ah thanks user, it looked a bit like dorohedoro

>I'm in love with my buddy's girlfriend. We are three friends for over 8 years.
You're a terrible friend. They should dump your sorry ass

what can I do against my feels ? I wish this wasn't the case bucko

Ask your buddy's girlfriend if she has any single friends you can go on a date with

Whenever I feel like this, I always imagine Marlon Brando in Godfather coming up to me

> you can act like a man! *slap*

So I keep on trucking

yeah I did she plan to do a double date after this 'rona shitshow is over. Hopefully it works

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Coca Cola in a chilled glass, no rocks.

Trying to figure out my career, bros. I have a background in restaurants and inside sales but I hate both of those environments and I've fallen into a mild depression or mid-20's identity crisis -- whatever you want to call it. I think freelance writing is looking like my best option as far as finding a passion that can make decent money from. I'm excited to start but also have no fucking idea of where to start. Time to build some kind of portfolio I guess. Cheers.

It makes it better, or just get fit enough. For when she asks for your oscar meyer you tell her no sloot

Maybe that's what I need, someone to slap my shit in. I like the visual, btw, breddy gud.

Don’t give up user
Look into fear planning and visualizing possible bumps along the road.
My condolences user. You can still make it though
Could just be a chemical imbalance that’s out of your control without medication.
>lazy fuck when it comes to my schoolwork
>still getting internships due to focusing on building connections
>reading plato’s symposium and this one called the sixth extinction
>anyone got any good /lit/ recommendations ?

Watch it user.
I grew up without a father figure, so I'm figuring shit on my own, it's a good scene.

I also listen to TD Jake's on Man. Man was created in the image of God, and God was meant to be praised, we are meant to be praised.

>visualizing bumps along the road
That's practically all I do, try to contingency plan, but shit always goes screwy in unexpected ways that I cant manage to cope with. I had what I assume was a nervous breakdown in a university bathroom stall the first time this happened. Just hasn't gotten much better, mostly sideways as I try new things. I'm very tired, but I keep going like you say. I want to be a man that my future progeny can be proud to call "father," and my girlfriend to call "husband." I want to provide for them and do everything I can to give them a good life, but I keep fucking up.

I just found out today that my ex is dating some fat loser. She has gained weight too. I should be gloating that she has downgraded but it still hurts. Hold me, bros. I just want someone to touch my arm and tell me I'll be fine.

I am going to fail Ranger Selection. Sitting here wondering how I am going to cope with being a failure. I also have no passions or fire in my belly anymore. Was a fat lazy piece of shit before the army and yet now I am just a skinny lazy piece of shit. Always scrapes by doing the bare minimum yet still gets rewarded for it. I feel so tired all day every day and can hardly sleep at night anymore. I just feel like a total loser. Just can’t get happy anymore. Can’t even sit and listen to people talk anymore I just don’t care what they say. I’ve tried it all. Women, meditation, forcing myself to be outgoing and try things, hell i even have a degree in a topic I used to be passionate about. All I want with my life is to kayak with my dog and have a dip in. Anyway my 10 mile time is 80 minutes, 2 mile is 13:50, 5k is 20:30. I can do ten pull ups, 100 sit ups, and 70 push ups. Might just do steroids and leave humanity behind. Throw everything I have into being yolked. Surely life is somewhat brighter when I am a big man vs a skinny little shit. Perhaps that is the difference?

My dad did some fatherly stuff, but he was mostly away at work or getting violently angry all the time, sometimes for good reason, sometimes not. I know he did a lot for us, but i think you kind of understand what i mean. That's the image I have in my mind, anyway.
I'll look into it user, thanks.

I know how you feel bro, my ex is dating some short and chubby guy. Wish I could feel good about it but all it does is hurt me. I want her to do better, and be better.

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imo, I don't trust medication. Doctors throw that shit out like it's candy, nothing but white collar drug dealers. And, anecdotally, I've heard very few good stories about depressed sadfags like myself being put on SSR's or SNRIs.

I already got drunk as shit last and just finished up the hangover, none for me. I was lazy as shit in high school and realized i wanted to go to university. I just spent 2 shitty years at a college and finally got offers from a bunch of unis but now all of a sudden my parents choose to tell me they dont have the money to cover me going somewhere to study. So i have two choices: stay at home and go to a good reputation university that will be an awful experience or go into debt and go to a uni a solid 4 hours away from me and live a uni life. It sucks fucking shit. I always wanted a uni life and thats what kept me going the last two years but now it clearly just is not practical in the slightest. I have to make a decision very soon and i dont entirely know if i should suck it up and suffer or go into debt.
Thats all i had for a dream in my life and now thats gone and i have nothing to look forward to in life. Sorry for the blogpost but i could use some outside opinions since i dont really have friends to talk to about this

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>thinks that by going to a university 4 hours away suddenly he'll live a "uni life" which i imagine you think means suddenly you'll have tons of friends and endless sex

>My condolences user. You can still make it though
how ?

White wine spritzer please.
I just want this to end. Everything was looking up for me before this chink aids bullshit. Plans went to shit. Gains went to shit. I'm playing dota like 6 hours a day because it's the only thing keeping me sane. A few years ago I used to think I was introverted, but I can barely even function without being around other people. I've never been more uncertain about the future. I don't even know how I am supposed to graduate next year when online schoolwork is fucking retarded and I am learning next to nothing, but next year I'll be expected to act as if I actually learned what I was supposed to learn. I just want to fucking live my life. I want to get shitfaced drunk with my buddies. I want to play pool every fucking day. I feel like people my age aren't directly effected by the virus, because we are so young, but indirectly we are the most effected people, especially if there will be a recession, our future will be fucked. I never had any career aspirations, but now I feel fucking hopeless. I've been growing my hair out since November, so at least one thing in my life is going along nicely. I don't properly enjoy anything anymore. Even music sounds like shit.

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I have 0 issues interacting with regular "western" people in the slightest. My area and especially the college i went to is filled to the brim with brown international students

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Uni life is just a continuation of HS life, bro. If you weren't fucking Stacies left and right at parties with your jock friends by then, you sure as fuck won't be doing it in uni. You will get so random pussy eventually, though.

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Hold course user. Slowly but surely, things will be getting back to normal in the coming weeks. Until the second wave, that is.

She left me..
One week after our 1 year anniversary she said she doesn't want to be with me anymore because I don't make her happy. I felt the earth under my feet dissappear in just that one moment.
Had so many plans with her too

I ended up getting a gf in high school despite her being abusive as shit. Like i-deadass-have-trauma-level abusive.Otherwise i wasnt very social and sure as shit wasnt a slayer but ive changed a ton since then

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>You will get so random pussy eventually, though.
haha yeah...I totally got laid in college haha

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You can go back user.

Different user, basically the only thing that makes me want to go to university is the social aspect. I was living in the dorms during HS, and holy fuck life was so much fucking better when you are surrounded by people. Over summer break I was fucking miserable, because I wasn't with my buddies constantly you don't need to be a Chad to enjoy it, you just need buddies that you can hang out and get drunk with anytime.

My life is shit because i dont have the discipline to do anything.
Im a lazy waste of a human being who cant finish anything i start.

>stuck in a dead end job
>overweight and sedentary
>dropped out of college
>no friends

I dont even know why im here. I never managed to stay in a gym for more than a few days.

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I don't know if my mental health could even survive a second wave, I sure as shit hope that won't come.

thats kind of it for me. I just want out of this city that might as well be called little india, im not looking for pussy, just some fuckin friends to get drunk with while i study far away from this place

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Corona made me think about death more often then I usually. I'm not suicidal, it's just this question I ask myself everyday; "Would you be satisfied with your life if you were to die in this very moment?"
The answer has always been yes. Even now. I could die right now but my ideals would live on forever in the people I've connected with, with the people that changed for the better because of me. In a way, I immortalized myself in them the same as anything you post on the internet. I don't fear death and i'm ready for whatever judgement God deems for me in the next life.
Whatever pain I've had in my life has only made me stronger, I could live off trauma the rest of my life and still be content in my end. It's just my family and their loved ones that I worry about. I'm doing my very best to make them as ready as I can for whatever happens with this man made pandemic. I keep them on top of this with the information I provide. But it's inevitably changing them and it's changing me too. I'm starting to get more violent and angry with the out of staters and foreign shitskins around me. I'm starting to see them as the threat they are.

I think I might do something rash but I don't know, it entirely depends on what these fucking aliens do in my community. Whatever happens, they deserve every bit of it.

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>You will get so random pussy eventually, though.
haha yeah totally haha

My life has routine. Obligations. Responsibilities. But not meaning. How the fuck did I get myself into this wretched state.