What the fuck is this

There's been a bump on my scalp for months now and I pick at it occasionally. Pic related is what comes off What is this and what should I do about it?

Attached: IMG_20200426_182810138_MP.jpg (1532x1532, 140.09K)

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Salt it and burn it.

Stop bullying your brain parasite, user.

s-should we tell him?

Attached: pepsweat.png (646x595, 280.01K)

think it's a metroid mate


Can you tell us more about it?

Have you ever thought about what would you do if you had 3 months left to live?

lmfao fucking kek

Attached: IMG_20200412_134825_929.jpg (638x681, 33.83K)

oh fuck you have one too

Attached: 1515526129979.jpg (427x427, 20.62K)

>yfw you look up bot fly larvae extraction images

Attached: UBWiC1X.jpg (399x388, 23.63K)

Made me gag fuck you

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you've got the hiv, sorry user

Get ketokonazole dandruff shampoo, retard

Hmmm... Seems risky

Attached: Screenshot_20200426-203049.png (1433x1286, 232.14K)

What the fuck man? This seems like some sort of tumour. You need a biopsy on this shit.

It's kinda satisfying to watch

Attached: kAxN34x.gif (256x191, 3.72M)

Get caffeine shampoo, literally best reply you’ve got


Attached: Macarena.gif (206x176, 369.62K)

Guys check out this dude's channel, it's amazing

Attached: WWUJHk.gif (400x225, 3.68M)

I will vomit in your mother's womb tonight

guy sounds like Dr Henry Killenger, with his magic murder bag

Attached: IMG_1164.jpg (719x688, 63.56K)

lmao what a pussy, i bet you're a virgin as well

shit, it's meant for this faggot

Oh go do oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
That came off yornwhat? Oh god oh god god oh god that's fucking gross oh god oh god oh god
Degenerate oh god oh god

I am within your mother, fool
Come home son, we miss you

i love how the dog at 9:15 is called hitler

That's the ketokonazole oral pills for if you have a very bad case of ringworm or staph that won't respond to topical treatments. The ketokonazole shampoo has no bad effects and is one of the "other antifungal medications" that you try before you take the pill. Ask a doctor if you're that worried, but there's really no risk to the shampoo.