How to be like Doomguy?

I dont mean phisycally but rather his mentality and personality

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get a pet rabbit. go fishing. play animal crossing.

pic related

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fake it til you make it I guess

Don’t try and act like badass fictional characters. They’re not meant to be realistic, I used to do that when I was 15 and it was cringy as fuck.
You won’t look cool
You won’t look tough
You’ll just get laughed at

Hate everyone like you should.

Here's a relevant TLP article about modeling your personality off of fictional characters

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Be a mute and be extremenly violent at every reason you get

the doom fanbase is surprisingly autistic

>go to grocery store
>play bfg division on full volume from phone
>run full speed to where they keep whey
>break the neck of anyone who gets in your way
>aggressively grab your favorite flavor of whey
>run full speed to qt at register
>f-find everything okay sir?
>say nothing as you stare into her soul
>pay for whey
>h-have a n-nice day!
>run full speed out of the store carrying your whey in hand as doom guy has no need for mortal grocery bags
>go home

cycling everyday does it for me

it is cringey but imagine giving a fuck about other people lmao that's worse

Hunt down and kill all police officers and politicians trying to tell you that you can't Freely Associate with others. In Minecraft, of course.

It is worse, indeed.

Have no fear of anything and don't let anything deter you from your goals. He's just... ambitious

thats's what I want to achieve

yeah im autisctic as fuck so what shut the fuck up

I used to say that to myself when I was an edgy teen as well. Don’t worry it will pass eventually

This kinda happens to me already
>run to grocery store
>run inside to the protein section
>grab two biggest bags of chocolate and vanilla whey
>run to the cashier
>don't say anything and dump the exact change
>wait for them to count
>run back home
>do this every month

Good read

Simple as

really, imagine giving a fuck about other people

lowest of the low

I've actually always been afraid of playing Doom, because you're so alone in the game. I'd love to unlock the mental strength and strong personality he's got. Would improve actual life

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Be greater then what you suffer

What did he mean by this

dont know but is sounds like something Yoda would say

Eat big and get big, bro. You'll feel more confident and it'll show.

By making stress your friend.

Why do I imagine you naruto running while doing this?

because youre an autist just like everyone on Yas Forums

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>How to be like Doomguy?

for starters, you have to stop giving a fuck

go into your bullshit office job on monday and as soon as you walk in the door, go straight to your cubicle, pick up your computer, and throw it out the fucking window

when your supervisor comes at you with some bullshit like "what the fuck are you doing" or "i'm calling security," beat his ass

like your computer, he's part of the system, and the system must be destroyed at any cost

next, you need to run out of the building and hop in your shitty honda shitbox and proceed to drive it into the lit-up police cruiser that came to arrest you

when the cops start shooting at you, pull out the illegally modified short barrel pump shotgun that you keep under the seat of your busted-ass vehicle for this exact type of shit, and proceed to unload

then, hijack a cop car and drive it straight to the nearest masonic lodge while lobbing the stun grenades that you found in the back seat out the window and into the storefronts of banks

when you finally get to the lodge, the "real" cops will have shown up, complete with the black obsidian armor that covers their reptilian appendages

take those fork-tongued egg-layers to school by snorting your emergency stash of angel dust, mainlining the vial of dianabol in your pocket, and flying into an uncontrollable rage of ass-pounding bone-breaking shit-disturbing fury

all that ripping and tearing will get you into the inner sanctum, where the hell portal is actively allowing demons disguised as paunchy hook-nosed financial advisers and sleazy lard-ass television producers into pour into earth

proceed to grab the nearest 33rd degree mason engaged in the hell portal ritual, rip off his balls, and eat them

do that three more times to get the buff from the testicles that you need to penetrate the magic ethereal shields of the grandmaster mason who is trying his best to maintain the psychic link with baphomet

kill him, then step through the portal

Don't talk, don't think, just do.

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